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November 17, 1987

In a small, dark office room sat a man sleeping in a rotting green chair. On the cluttered desk next to him sat a magazine with a racy cover and a box of assorted donuts. The man had on a blue cotton polo and khaki pants; his name tag read "William Morris" and he had donut crumbs in his beard.

A small television set behind him showed security camera footage, dated November 17, 1987. The footage showed a girl, maybe 7 years old, sitting on a snow covered bench. She had her eyes locked on something to the left to her and there was and look of deep contemplation plastered to her face. The girl took a deep breath and whispered something, then got up and walked away.

As she walked down the intersecting street, she looked left and right, watching for something. As she neared a shop window she paused, hand on one hip. She looked left and right once more before she disappeared into the alleyway to the right of her.

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