chapter 1

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Arata:huh, oh its morning already......but i dont what to get up....need more sleep

5 minutes later

Arata: ........Oh SHIT!!! i have schoool today!!!

he quickly take a shower and eat after that he start running to kouha academy

Arata: Shit! Shit! Shit!! I cant be late now ita my first day of school!!!

As he said that,he saw the gate closed shut

Arata: ......AHHHHHH!!......

'???': ehem, are you the new student

Arata: !? Woah you scared me, um yes I'm the new transfer student um you are?

Sona: Sona schitori I'm the student council president

Arata: oh nice to meet you miss prez my name is Arata kasuga (in mind) shes hot and have those sexy curves and those boobs heh

Little did he know that he was having a nosebleed and sona notice it

Sona: "pitching arata's ear" mr arata i wont accept this perverted behavior in this school campus I'm i clear?!

Arata: Ow ow ow sorry sorry miss prez it won't happened again i promise

Sona: "sigh" good now here's your schedule and go to class now "in a angry tone"

Arata: ha-i hai i go now! Bye miss prezz catch you later! (Running away inside the school building arata thought) miss prezz is scary

Sona: "sigh" that idiot....(sona start thinking)that aura its huge and that power its the demon his just a human maybe that just his scared gear but...i dont fell a sacred gear within him just a power full of light and dark energy in him...if he doesn't have a scared gear then what kind of power that i felt in him maybe lord sirzech know about this........ and why do i fell so itchy down here (rubbing her tights together) when he walk past me i started to itch why......sona just forget about it and do your duty work as a student council president.....dammit

We skip to arata finding him self standing i front of a door

Arata: i think this is my stop.......let's go in.....i said let's go in arata..... (in mind) dammit I'm so nervous right now i dont know how to react if i saw my new classmates "sigh"💡 wait just start thinking something perverted heh heh heh boobs,tight,ass hehe

Arata: now i dont fell so nervous at all thank you my perverted thought

Now arata knock the door and the teacher in the other side said

Teacher:come in!

Arata:um hi I'm the new transfer student?

Teacher: come in and introduce yourself to the class

Arata: hai, helloo my name is Arata kasuga i like big boobs and small boobs
Lets get along heh

All the guys including the perverted trio

All boys: hell yeahhh let's goooo!!!!!!

The trio

Matsuda: we gonna recruit him

Mutahama: agreed how about you issei?

Issei: sure his a pervert like us but he look like another kiba i bet all girls gonna be mad at him for what he said but i think girl found him handsome to right?

The two:maybe your right

Issei: but guys peaking in to the kendo club is still up right?

The two:hell yeah

The trio lets: peak some boobies hehehe

:Note asia and issei already a member of Rias ok?

All the girls:oh great another pervert just what we all need sigh why can't we have nice things

Girl.1:but his cute though right?

Girl.2:yeah and hansome to maybe its not so bad

Some of the girls: i doubt that

Teacher: sigh, ok mr arata go set over........her katase rais your hand

Katase: here! (Dammit why is he sitting next to me god must hate me right now😭)

Arata: "is now sitting next to katase"
Hey nice to meet you katase

Katase: tch yeah nice to not meet you too pervert

Arata: Hahahahahah hey can you show me around the campus?

Katase: wa?! why?! Would i do that with some pervert like you?!

Arata:hmm? Why not?? Your a good person right? Ur maybe~~ your thinking something perverted to?~~

Katase: (////) WU-WUT are you talking about? Uhhhh fine i show you round the scool

Arata:hehehe tnx your the best

Katase:yeah yeah whatever

Time skip

Katase is now showing Around around the school where is the cafeteria is the library the teacher lounge, all the club rooms the students council room and the pool or the dirty pool is and the girl and boys bathroom.

Arata:well that was fun thanks alot katase

Katase: yeah whatever pervert its nothing

Arata: well its getting late i better go home now bye katase "waving his hand"

Katase: yeah bye "waving her hand"

While Arata is running he stop on his truck and said out loud to katase


This makes katase blush in embarrassment


Arata:HAahahaahah bye katase your the best

Katase:sigh idiot "smile" later pervert

Nowhere someone is watching arata go home a crimson hair woman is watching him

????:Arata kasuga huh "smile" can't wait to meet you

Arata(POV): I fell like someone is watching me......meh whatever i just wsnt to go home eat and sleep heh heh

Hey guys i hope you like this fanfiction of highschool dxd and trinity seven bye bye now see you next time heheheh

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