Chapter 2

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Karta came across a walled settlement, a town if the noises coming from inside were anything to go off of. The wooden walls stretched on for miles, but thankfully there was a wooden door in front of her to get in. Karta then walked up to the said door and knocked. Then, a piece of wood on the door slid to the side, revealing an old man's eyes.

"Oh, what's this? A new sellsword, perhaps?" The old man said.

The old man then closed the small hatch and opened the door, revealing his lanky figure.

"And what business brings you to Narfolk?" The old man asked without a hint of malice.

"I'm not sure what you mean by Sellsword. Anyway, I got separated from my group and I am looking for them now. Seen people that look like me but green, black, and blue? There's three of them." Her voice was hinted with confusion as she looked at the elderly man.

Karta took in his features and got a gut feeling that for some reason this man may not be the most trustworthy of the lot. At least, he didn't look like that.

"Not a sellsword? Oh, my mistake then, milady. But I can't say I've seen any folk that fit that description. The only person whose armor looks like yours here is a sellsword that came in a few days ago. Not rightly sure where you can find him, but the tavern isn't a bad place to start." The old man said as he pointed down the street behind him.

"Thank you, sir. I guess I will start there then." Karta gave him a solid nod before stepping away from him.

Her hands stuck near her blasters just in case. This was new and with the mix of trust issues, there was good reason to be as alert as she was.

Karta then walked past the man.

"Oh, and by the way, I would hide those fancy weapons of yours. Ever since the recent elf occupation in the surrounding territory, Narfolk isn't as friendly to Artificers as it used to be." The old man said as he walked back inside his little hut.

Karta looked at her blasters before she rested her hands on them. She adjusted her cape to help cover her jetpack a bit hopefully. As she walked, her footsteps made mostly quiet sounds. Her eyes scanned as many things as possible. Seeing the different signs, the shops, the places of stay for travelers, and wagons sprawled about. It looked more medieval compared to how it looked back home. Building scrawled out on each side of the street. She tried her best to stay out of the middle as that would draw unneeded attention. Granted, people already turned their heads as she walked past. She stuck out like a sore thumb. Soon she looked up and there was a sign. The sign was hanging off a post and read 'Molten Blossom Tavern.' Karta thought to herself that this was most likely the place and walked over. She heard soft music and the small clinking of glasses. A variety of people talking and chanting on the inside. The initial anxiety of the new location slowly wared as she stepped inside. Looking around the room and seeing the diversity of people. Slightly reminded her of some cantinas that she went into from time to time with her mother.

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