Your love quote

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Shawn - I wish you'd listen closer to the songs I play. 'Cause the lyrics speak the words I fail to say

Taylor - Explaining my love for you is like explaining the taste of water. Impossible

Carter - I don't care if you're sick, I'll kiss you because you're worth catching a cold over

Matthew - Remember you are my happy ending

Cameron - I need you. Because you make me laugh more than anyone else, and I'm the best me when I'm with you. And because when you're gone, nothing else feels right until you return

Jack G - I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, everyday

Jack J - Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you beyond my control

Nash - Forever is a long time. But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side

Hayes - You're the one I think about before I go to sleep. I look at the clock, waiting for 11:11 so I can wish for you. I'm so cliché, but I love you

Aaron - But even if I fall in love again with someone new, it can never be the same way I loved you

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