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“A girl?”
Newt x Annie(OC)

Gally walked the new Greenie across the Glade, pointing out different areas and explaining rules as they went. Gally was just wondering why he’d been dumped with Greenie duty when he realised the new boy wasn’t even listening. He followed his gaze over to the girl busy working, chatting happily with Newt.
“Who’s that?” the greenie asked.
“That’s Annie. She’s the only girl here, but don’t go getting any ideas, Greenie. Do you see the blond boy next to her? That’s Newt, and he’s second in command around here. She’s his girl, so you won’t get away with anything.” Gally said, thinking back to the day Annie had arrived in the box.

6 months ago…

I woke up spluttering and coughing. Where was I? I looked around desperately, finding myself in a metal box, moving quickly upwards. A panicked bellowing came from a crate marked ‘WCKD’ in bold letters. As the metal box I was in moved faster and faster, I soon worked out the bellowing was a cow. She was scared, just like me. I sat up, shuffling closer to her crate, shushing her as the box rushed upwards. I couldn’t remember anything at all. I looked up to see we were nearing a metal roof, and with the box seemingly not slowing, I braced for impact, closing my eyes.

But the impact never came. The box shuddered to a stop, and the roof above us opened, revealing bright sunlight. I blinked up at it, as someone pulled the box lid open and jumped down. I looked up at the person who had jumped into the box. It was a boy about my age, with blonde hair.
“It’s a girl,” he said, in a British accent.
The boys surrounding the box suddenly broke out in loud chatter. I shuffled back into the corner next to the cow’s crate, who mooed softly at me through the bars of the wooden crate. I put my fingers through the bars to her.
“A girl?” one boy said.
“I got dibs,” said another.
“No one’s got dibs. She’s not a piece of meat.” the blonde boy standing above me said.
“Agreed on that. She’s a Glader, just like the rest of us and you will all treat her as such. Get her up now, Newt.” A commanding voice said, and the boy in front of me, who I assumed was Newt, turned back to me with a kind smile.
“It’s alright, Greenie. I’m Newt. Can you remember your name yet?” Newt asked, offering me a hand.
I blinked up at him, trying to remember. I shook my head, feeling like I’d done something wrong.
“No? That’s okay, we all remember in a day or so,” Newt reassured me as I took his hand and got up off the metal floor. He helped me out of the box, and the boys surrounding it looked me up and down. I looked down at my feet, red flushing my cheeks.
“Can’t you see she’s embarrassed? Quit looking at her like that ya shanks.” Newt said, stepping in front of me.
The commanding voice spoke again. “Alright, clear off! You three, unload the box.”
“This is Alby, he’s the leader around here,” Newt said. The owner of the voice looked at me with a smile. I peered out from behind Newt and waved nervously.
Alby waved back. "I see you've already met Newt, my Second in Command," he said, before turning to Newt. “You wanna give her the tour? I’ve gotta help those shanks unload the cow from the box.” Alby gestured towards the box, where the cow had started bellowing again.
“What are you going to do with her?” I asked.
“We’ll take her to the Slicers at the Bloodhouse,” Alby said. I didn’t know what that meant, but it didn’t sound nice.
“You won’t hurt her, will you?” I asked.
“No. She’ll live a great life with them. You can visit her whenever you like.” Alby said with a smile, walking away.
“Come on Greenie, I’ll show you around,” Newt said, putting a hand on my back and leading me away.

Newt gave me the tour, showing me everything and introducing me to a few of the boys.
“And that’s it. The Glade. It’s our home. We eat here, we sleep here. The Box provides us with supplies each month, and a new Greenie along with it. This month, that’s you.” Newt said.
I nodded.
“And tonight, there’s a special surprise for you, Greenie,” Newt said.

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