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Until The Dust Settles
Finn Collins x Dusty Kane(OC)

Stardust 'Dusty' Kane. 17 years old.
Daughter of Marcus and Emmie Kane. Imprisoned for aiding in an illegal space walk that wasted 3 months of oxygen.
Her mother was floated when she was 14, by her own father in front of her. Marcus threw all of his attention into his work in his guilt, and Dusty began to act out for his attention.

I lay awake in my cell in the skybox, staring at the ceiling. I could hear movement outside, voices and footsteps. Suddenly my door opened and a guard walked in.
"Prisoner 265, face the wall." he said. I did as he asked.
The guard wrapped a metal band around my wrist. It zapped me as the guard clapped it shut.
The guard handed me a pile of clothes. "Put them on. I'll be back in two minutes." he said, walking out and closing the door behind him. I changed out of the white Skybox drab I'd come to know this last year. The clothes the guard had given me were different from any of the other clothes I'd been given on the Ark. Dark pants, and a green t-shirt weren't too out of the ordinary, standard issue, but the brown leather boots and red jacket were something I'd never had before. I put them on, and the guard came back.
My breath hitched as the guard grabbed my shoulder and guided me out of the room. My father, Marcus Kane, stood waiting outside the door.
"Dad? What is this?" I asked. My father didn't meet my eyes.
I looked around me and saw guards moving the other kids out as well.
"Wait. Are they executing us all? Dad please, I still have a few months left. I'm still 17!" I wrestled myself out of the guards grip, grabbing my father's collar and making him meet my eyes.
"They're not executing you, Stardust. They're sending you to the ground." My dad said.
"But the ground's not survivable yet. It's not supposed to be for another hundred years." I said, gripping his collar so hard my knuckles started to turn white.
"I know. But it's not my choice."
The guard moved to pull me away from my father, but Marcus waved him away, pulling me into a hug. 
I hugged my father back briefly. When I pulled away, I spotted tears in his eyes.
"You're about to go on a great adventure, Stardust. May we meet again." my father said.
I echoed my father, but he was already striding away. There he goes again, throwing himself into his work to hide from his feelings. The sudden Earth Skills crash course with Pike made sense now.
The guard poked me with his baton, and I fell into line with the kid ahead of me, some kid with goggles on his head. I looked across the way and saw Clarke Griffin being loaded onto a stretcher. She hadn't spoken to me since I ditched her and Wells when my mother died. I didn't care, I had Finn now.
Finn. Where was he?
I flicked my head around, desperately looking for my best friend, my hand reaching for the tiny bottle around my neck.
"Right here, Dusty." Finn's voice came from behind me.
"Oh thank goodness." I said, turning my head to look back at him. He shot me a crooked grin, mischief glinting in his eyes.
The guard jabbed me with the baton.
"Prisoner 265, quiet, face the front."
Finn's guard had jabbed him too.
"Prisoner 264, quiet." he said.
I heard the boy with the goggles laugh.
The guards marched us out of the skybox. My father stood with Abby Griffin, watching us as we went past. His eyes showed no sign of the emotion that had been there just minutes before, now hard and cold as he watched me walk toward him. I sent him a glare. A brief flash of anger and sadness crossed his face, before turning back into cold, calculated, Councilor Kane.
I walked past him wordlessly. I didn't have anything to say to him anyway.
The guards put us into our seats in the dropship. Finn was put on a row with Clarke and Wells. I was put a row back, in between a girl with straight dark hair who I recognised from somewhere, but couldn't place where, and a boy with gelled back hair. John Murphy. He was a total asshole, but better him than one of the murderers I knew were on this ship.
He shot me a warning glare when I sat down next to him, but didn't say anything, just continued talking to the boy behind him. The girl on my other side wanted to talk however.
"I'm Octavia." she said.
"Dusty. Dusty Kane." I said, not taking my eyes off of Finn ahead of me, who was messing with the seat belt the guard had just tightened for him.
"Oh did you want my last name too? Its Blake. Octavia Blake." the girl went on. Suddenly I realised where I knew her from.
"You're the girl under the floor?" I asked.
She nodded.
"You spent sixteen years under the floor of your apartment?" I asked.
"Yea. Your last name is Kane? As in Councilor Kane?" she asked, changing the topic.
"He's my father." I nodded.
"He floated my mother." Octavia said.
"Mine too." I said.
Octavia didn't have much to say to me after that. I leant forward and tapped on Finn's shoulder. My best friend turned around to look at me, still fiddling with the seat belt buckle.
"You're gonna need that, Spacewalker." I teased him.
"Oh please, like you don't want to experience zero-g." he laughed.
I laughed.
While I had been talking, the guards had finished their checks and left us alone. Suddenly the ship lights flicked out, and a countdown started. Some of the rowdier kids joined in, counting down from ten.
When it hit zero, we dropped out of the Ark, beginning our journey to the ground.
Finn, for all his efforts, had managed to undo his belt. He floated up, spinning in the air to face me.
"Come on, Dust, the air's fine." he joked. I reached down and undid my belt, joining him floating around the ship.
Meanwhile, Clarke had woken up, and was arguing with Wells.
Suddenly the lights flickered on again and a screen showed Jaha's face, and he began to talk.
"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You have been given a second chance. And as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, your crimes have made you expendable." Jaha said.
"Your dad is a dick, Wells." someone called out.
"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years."
As Jaha went on, Finn and I floated across the room, towards Clarke and Wells.
A few kids started to call out to Finn and I.
"Spacewalk bandits strike again"
"Go Finn!"
"Check it out, your dad floated me after all" Finn said to Wells.
"And mine floated me! Haha!" I laughed, spinning.
"You should strap in, before the parachutes deploy. Hey you two, stay put if you want to live." Clarke said, as two other boys undid their belts.
"Oh Clarke, always such a bossy boots." I said.
"Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." Finn commented, picking up on Clarke's name.
"And you're the idiots who wasted three months of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk." Clarke spat.
"But it was fun." Finn said.
"So fun" I echoed, floating across the ship as Finn introduced himself to Clarke. I came to a stop in front of the boy who had been ahead of me in line, and knocked his goggles from his head.
"Hey!" he complained. I giggled and twirled a piece of his hair. I was only teasing him, I had no real interest in him.
I floated back to Finn. I had just reached him when the ship suddenly jolted and screeched. Finn and I hit the ground, roughly, but uninjured, but the two other boys who had undone their belts had slammed into the wall, hard.
"Finn, Dusty, are you okay?" Clarke called out.
The ship eventually stopped moving, and Finn and I moved toward one of the boys. Clarke reached the other at the same time.
"Listen. No machine hum." One boy said.
"Whoa. That's a first." said the one beside him.
The boys were right. It was almost completely silent, except for the sounds of movement and talking from the other kids on the dropship.
Finn dropped to his knees beside one of the boys, feeling his neck for a pulse.
"Finn is he breathing?" Clarke asked.
Finn only shook his head.
"And him?" I asked. Clarke shook her head too. Two gone already.
The other kids had started getting out of their seats, moving toward the ladder.
"The outer doors on the lower level, let's go!" one of them said.
"No, we can't just open the doors!" Clarke said, getting up.
Finn and I followed her down the ladder, where a guard was holding everyone back at the doors.
"Hey, just back it up guys." he said. His voice shook a little, like he didn't know what he was doing. He looked young. He didn't have a partner with him, which surprised me, Ark Guards always work in pairs. The guard reached for the lever to open the door.
"Stop!" Clarke pushed her way through the crowd. "The air could be toxic." she said.
"The air's toxic, we're all dead anyway." the guard said. Finn and I followed Clarke's path, coming to stand by the door.
"Bellamy?" a small voice broke through the crowd. The guard looked up. Octavia was climbing down the ladder.
Chatter broke out through the crowd as Octavia pushed her way to the guard.
"That's the girl they hid under the floor." one said.
"Oh my god. Look how big you are." the guard, Bellamy, said, pulling Octavia into a hug.
"The hell are you wearing? A guards uniform?" Octavia asked. So he wasn't a guard.
"I borrowed it. To get on the dropship. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you." Bellamy said, pulling Octavia into another hug.
"Where's your wristband?" Clarke asked.
"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." Octavia said.
"No one has a brother!" one boy objected.
"That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor." I said. Octavia lunged toward me. Finn stepped in front of me as Bellamy pulled Octavia back.
"Octavia, Octavia no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." he reasoned.
"Yeah, like what?" Octavia asked.
"Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years." Bellamy said. Octavia nodded eagerly, and Bellamy reached for the door handle. He pulled it down, and Finn took my hand as the door opened and the room was flooded with light.
Octavia took a deep breath in, before tentatively walking down the ramp. She paused, before jumping down onto the ground.
She was quiet for a moment, looking around at the scenery. But then she threw up her arms, yelling, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!", which had all of us cheering and running down the ramp after her. We spread out into the forest.
Finn picked me up and spun me in a circle, both of us laughing.

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