Chapter Six

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Landon's POV:

I walked into school with my buddies. Andy and Matt. Also known as my Beta and Third in command. We were walking through the hallways when I started to smell the sweet smell of vanilla and strawberries. It made my mouth water.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Do you guys smell that?" I asked them.

They stopped.

"Smell what?" They both asked.

"It smells like vanilla and strawberries." I answered them.

They both sniffed the air.

"Naww man you must be crazy." Replied Andy.

"Whatever." I replied.

We walked to our lockers and within seconds we were surrounded by girls. I grabbed my books and pushed my way through the wall of girls.

I wasn't really a player like Andy and Matt. They liked the attention. But I have had one night stands before just like any normal guy. But, unlike them I want to find my mate.

It's just the girls here are so fake and clingy.  Melissa came up behind me. I could tell because she reaked of perfume.

"Hey Landon." She purred.

"Hi Melissa." I said in an irritated tone.

She is the school's slut. She sleeps with every guy she can get her hands on.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Are you still coming to my party tonight?" She asked.


"Ok. See you then." She said as she trailed her fingers down my arm.

I walked away from her and went to my first class.

After class I met back up with Andy and Matt.

"Did you see the new girl yet? She's really hot!" Matt asked.

"No man. But what does she look like?" I asked.

"Well, she has long blonde hair, brown eyes, and she dresses so beast. I wish the girls around here would dress like her." Matt laughed.

"Sounds hot." I replied.

"Yeah buddy!" The guys yelled.

I laughed as we walked to gym class.

When we got there Mr. Hoffman the gym teacher had us play dodge ball. The class roared there approval.  Mr. Hoffman split us up. Andy and I were on the same team and Matt on the other.

We started to play and people were getting hit left and right. Andy came up next to me.

"Check out the new girl." He pointed to a blonde girl with the Jordan shoes.

She was dodging them, she even caught a couple and she was hitting some of our best players! Andy and I were amazed.

"She's really good." I stated.

"Yeah. But I'll take her out." Andy said as he chucked a ball full speed at her face.

The ball collided with her nose. She stumbled a bit but didn't fall down. Her nose started bleeding but she didn't cry. I was surprised. Most girls would be bawling.

Andy And I ran to her.

"Shit! You ok?" Andy asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied.

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