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in_to_many_fand0ms and Texthetrex


Donnie, have you ever thought about kissing Casey? Like has it every crossed your mind on what it might be like?

Donnie: If I'm being honest it has came up a couple of times...I'd always thought me kissing Jones would happen in my lab after a huge battle..like a celebration or something I can never seem to picture anything else


Casey, who is your crush? And why?

Casey: It's obviously Donnie after the whole farmhouse fiasco I realized my feelings for Donnie- I always tease him about liking April >:) It gets under his skin and I know his sensitive touch if I run my fingers through his mask tails he gets all flustered and embarrassed it's adorable

Note: Thank you for submitting your asks if you have more feel free to ask away :D also drink water >:) 

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