Locked in Love

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I stare at Taehyung in disbelief, my eyes wide open. He can't be serious. After all, he is my best friend and as such, he should be on my side and not fraternizing with impolite, boorish wolves from who only produce insults and accusations whenever they open their mouth. And that's not an exaggeration, proven just a second later.

A short sniff followed by a wrinkled nose combined with a disgusted face and two dark eyes accusingly directed at Taehyung.

"This can't be serious! Why is the baby bat here?"

I roll my eyes annoyed. Wolves are so incredibly predictable that it could almost be boring.

"If you would use the thing that lies between your neck and your hair for something other than decoration, you might come up with the idea that Tae Hyung might have invited me," I suggest to him before adding apologetically, "Oh wait! I totally forgot!"

I give him a regretful look.

"You wolves only think with other body parts."

To my regret, he doesn't even react to my teasing. In fact, he doesn't even seem the slightest bit hurt or affected, which only annoys me more. Because every little word he says is like an arrow that hits my heart with precision, while my words seem to bounce off him without causing any damage whatsoever. On the contrary, he seems to enjoy what I say, judging by the arrogant grin that creeps onto his full lips.

"Aww, baby bat! I feel honored! I mean, I always knew I was extremely good-looking."

With his fingers running through his silver hair, he manages to show off both his impressive biceps and his equally impressive abs, despite wearing a leather jacket due to the cool September weather outside. And you definitely shouldn't be able to tell whether someone who is wearing a leather jacket has muscles or not.

Stupid wolves and their stupid muscles!

And as if that wasn't bad enough, he not only looks like a model, but also manages to leave his hair in perfect disarray.

And let's be honest here! How does he do that? He's been doing it since I've known him, and I've known him for a really long time. About four hundred and twenty-eight years, forty-four days, and five hours, to be exact. And no, I didn't try to remember that, my memory is just really good! Point being, I've known him for a really, really long time, and I've been trying to copy that action for just as long. Something I would never admit or do in public, only locked in my bathroom at home and only in the middle of broad daylight. And I still haven't managed to make my hair look even remotely as good as his always is. Instead, I end up looking like a mix between a scarecrow and a Neanderthal with a hint of just rolled out of bed. By the way, I would never admit that either.

"But to hear that finally from your sweet mouth is a great honour."

Yes, his voice is dripping with sarcasm, and yes, I would love to pounce on him right now and sink my sharp, pointed teeth into his so warm and soft-looking neck, sucking all his blood from his carotid artery.

"And of course, I'm equally delighted that you're interested in other body parts besides my face."

Along with his arrogance, lewdness creeps into his grin, and he looks at me through half-closed eyes.

"If you want, I'll gladly give you a demonstration. And believe me, after that, even you won't be able to think with your pretty little head anymore."

His gaze, combined with his words, causes me to feel both hot and cold, while tingling shivers run down my spine. At the same time, I am simply incredibly relieved that this morning, I was too tired to eat and instead went to sleep right away, and then rushed here after waking up and a short phone call with Taehyung, again skipping a meal. Otherwise, the blood in my cheeks would, with almost absolute certainty, rush up. And that would, of course, be out of anger and not for any other obviously ridiculous reasons.

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