He's Hiding Something

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It's Saturday! The game is about to start and Mercy's mother Martha, Mercy, Bella and I are sitting in the stands. We three are the only ones
dressed up because we're going to party afterwards.

My make-up fits well and I waved my hair. I'm wearing a black dress that goes to my thighs. The neckline of my dress is a bit low but still coverable. I wear high heels with crossed straps that tie up to my knees. Bella and Merc wear the same, but with different colors. Bella wears purple and Merc wears silver.

Honestly, people's looks can't be ignored. They don't even try to look inconspicuous. I honestly don't want to watch this game, especially because of Hero. I just hope it ends as soon as possible and we girls can finally have fun.

The players of both teams stand in their positions and wait for the referee's command. i see him Luckily he doesn't see me. The referee whistles as a command and the game finally begins.

It's really exciting I must say. I honestly didn't think football could be so exciting. After 75 minutes of play it's 2 to 2 right now but it looks like Liverpool will be there more than us, leaving our crowd very tense. One hears only annoyance and desperation from the fans as well as the players.

Hero has been on the field for the full 75 minutes, he hasn't been substituted once and you can literally see how exhausted he is. I'm even beginning to worry about him. He really doesn't look good. His coach screams his name for the 20th time because he's not fully focused.

"They're playing terribly today," says Mercy in my ear. "Just look, he's so exhausted. He really looks like he's going to pass out." says Martha worried. I look at the field and see Hero still trying to stay upright.

And shit Martha's right he's really about to pass ou-

He passed out.

The referee blows his whistle when he sees Hero lying on the ground. "Girls, we have to go to him!" Martha exclaims frantically.

We run down as fast as we can, which is not really easy with the high heels. It's really not practical to walk through the stands in these shoes. When we arrive at the field we see Coach and a few players from Hero's team around him standing.

"Mercy, get a fan and Bella get a cold bottle of water. Quick!" The two sprint as fast as they can. "I'll call the ambulance. Josephine honey you stay with Hero and try to wake him up" Me? Oh god. I look at Hero who looks literally high.

I get down on my knees as gently as I can in my high heels and short dress. Gosh he's so pale and sweaty. I put my left hand under his head and right hand on his cheek.

"Hero, hey, hey, hey, you have to wake up okay." He blinks a little and then looks at me or shall we say he's trying. He looks so high you'd think he was-

„Jo?" he says tiredly. He definitely did something. "Yes, it's me. You mustn't fall asleep okay. Your sister and Bella will get you water" I stroke his cheek. "Hmm" he nods.

Shit he's gonna fall asleep.

Where the hell are those two? It's been 15 minutes and they're still not here. I mean how long does it take to get a water bottle and a fan?


I turn I see Bella and Mercy running towards me. Finally. "Where have you been so long?" I take the fan and the bottle from their hands. "Ms. Jacobs kept us in the secretariat for so long asking us why we needed a bottle of water and fans and that's why we had to enlighten her first." says Bella out of breath.

When I turn back to Hero, I see that his eyes are closed. Shit. I stroke his forehead.

"Hero shhhhh hey wake up please you gotta get up and drink."

The longer he lies here like this, the worse he looks. Where's the damn ambulance? I fan the fan in his face while he slowly sits up and takes the water bottle from my hand to drink from it. I see one of his friends coming from us. I think his name is Felix.

"FT! Dude what was that?"

Hero has just finished the bottle and drops it on the lawn. "I have no idea man. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and-" "Dude, you don't usually react like that, it can't be because of that, bro you've done it many times before." says Felix.

"What are you talking about?" asks Mercy confusedly. I'm also asking that Mercy.

What did Hero so many times?

Felix looks around and notices that he just spoke too loud. I feel Hero tense up next to me. "He means nothing." says Hero quickly. He gets up slowly. "Slow down, your circulation.." I whisper to him. He looks at me and then his sister and Bella.

When he noticed what we're wearing, he asks, "What the hell are you wearing?" "We want to go to the club after the game." says Bella. Hero frowns. "In the club? Like that?"

"Don't deviate from the topic Hero. What did Felix mean?" Hero sighs angrily. "Nothing Mercy. He was just rambling on. You know how he is." "Bro, I'm next to you." says Felix. Mercy looks at him suspiciously but doesn't elaborate.

"Honey!" exclaims Martha and comes towards us with the paramedics.

"Mum, where were-" is cut off as Martha wraps her arms around his neck. "I called the ambulance. I was so worried about you. Are you alright?" "I'm fine mum. I don't need an ambulance." said Hero. "Yes! You need to be examined, we need to know why you're suddenly so-" "No, I'm fine. You can send the paramedics away and say it's settled." he frantically interrupts her.

What's wrong with him? Why is he so tense? He passed out and he wasn't feeling well at all well I wouldn't even believe he's fine now. There must be something behind it. He's hiding something.

"Hero." I say. He looks at me briefly.

"I'm going to the locker room and I'm going to take a shower." and goes.

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