Story 3

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This isn't a dream.
I was lazy and didn't work on more of one of the main stories so instead you get this crappy thing. Mainly has the characters from the tea commonwealth.

Warning ⚠️- Contains blood, gore, and self-hate/loathing.


Unknown POV

The walkie-talkie crackled to life in my hands. A softly heard "KuRsH" was faintly heard through the clear late-night air. "Target is moving East to your position, Golden Eagle. The others are coming our way so do whatever you want with her. Mako out". I took a shaky breath. I knew we were doing this for a good cause, right? The royal family killed our savior now it is time to get them back for it. I saw a shadowy figure walking this way. I knew it was time.

I grabbed the back of her blouse and pulled her back into the alley. My voice was smooth. "Hello, Princess Estrella (Egyptian Licorice) Fancy seeing you here. I would love to chat, but you have to be punished for your crimes." I slammed her into the wall and heard a sickening crack. She cried out in pain, but I silenced her quickly by holding my knife to her throat.

"I will get this over with." and with that I picked up my switchblade. I took a shaky breath trying not to show nerves. This reminded me a bit of my childhood. Then I took the knife and started working. I started at the corner of her mouth and carved it up making it look like a smile on one of those drawing two-year-olds. Blood was gushing and I could see her teeth through the cut in her cheek. I started to do the other side; this was going surprisingly well. There was a lot of blood that was pooling all around her and in her mouth.

I was surprised I didn't throw up yet. I mean I used to be an IT (information technology) guy. I heard people come this way. I smashed my fist against her head and muttered the word "Viva la Earl."

Prince Chamomile-Cody POV

"Estrella," I scream "Wait for me, I can't walk that fast. I got little legs". I am breathing hard; I take a break. When I look up, she is gone, and fear races through me. Where is my royal guard Mae (Mint) when you need her? Seconds pass but they feel much longer. Then a guy maybe around the age of 28 runs out of an alley. Blood glinted on a knife he was carrying. My eyebrows furrow and slowly make my way to the alley the main ran from.

I peek my head into the alley, blood rushes from my face and I scream and sob at the same time. My knees hit the ground. "No No No No No, Mae where are you?". My blood-covered hands fumble with my phone but before I dial 999 a head pokes around the corner. I screamed again and got in a position where if needed I could defend my defenseless sister. It's Mae and she looks angry "Cody, what are you doing in the alley? It's dangerous. Now where is your sister?"

A strangled cry slips its way out my mouth. She finally notices Estrella lying practically dead on the floor. She turns pale pushes me out of the way and picks up Estrella. "Cody, I don't know how this happened, but your sister is going to be ok." She starts off in a sprint and with my body pumping with adrenaline I'm not far behind.

I don't remember the rest of the night. I hand little laps of blurry memory. I remember my mom's voice" Oh My Lord, get her to help right now. Don't just stand there."

I also kind of remember Cairo (The heir Chai) reprimanding me for not getting help sooner. I flipped out on him "AT LEAST I DID SOMETHING AND WAS NOT IN A WHOLE OTHER KINGDOM FUCKING MY GIRLFRIEND." The way he looked at me was scary like he was debating whether or not to beat my ass. He started to approach me, and I was ready to start running but then he just picked me up. My head slumped on his shoulder then all went black and red. (He was tired, his brother did not kill him. He saw red because the image of his sister was seared into his mind.)

In the morning

The light rushed in through my eyelids freeing me from my dark bubble. My mind is hazy, but I remember one thing. ESTRELLA! My feet leave the bed in an instant. Then I'm running to the living room, but we have a stupid hardwood floor and I slip and fall on my face. After I finally made it to the living room with a few new bruises. I walk up to my mom and say, "Is she alive?".

She nods and I break down into tears. She's alive. I repeat that sentence in my head over and over again. My mother looked at me solemnly" When she woke up, we told her everything. She decided that for the rest of her life, she was going to wear a mask in public. We currently have people working on her mask. It is going to be of Anubis. She told us herself."

I divert my eyes. 'This is somehow my fault. If only I had found her in time. I am filled with self-loathing and self-pity. I need to burn some steam.

A few hours before

Estrella POV

I see black, my eyelids feel heavy as I open them. I am lying in a hospital bed. Then memories of the horror the night before race across my damaged mind.

I hallucinate hearing that same voice from last night. "Viva la Earl", it's been a while since I heard that name. I slightly tilt my head to survey the room. My mother is asleep in the chair next to me. Mascara lines running down her face.

Next to her dozing off is Cairo. Looks like he fell asleep worrying. His face is set in a deep frown and he twitches every once and a while. I slowly moved my hand to my mom and gently hit her. She opens her eyes slowly before startling and fully awake. She caused Cairo to fall face-first on the floor, but he stayed asleep.

My mother's voice was loud and there was a lot of concern laced into it. "Oh, my lord, my sweet baby, we were so worried." I give her a small smile which sends shooting pain. I wince, and my mom grimaces. She sighs deeply "Would you like to see?". As she is retrieving the handheld mirror Cairo wakes up. He jolts up and screams "Hey, that's my dragon!". I shake my head.

His eyes connect with mine and suddenly I'm enveloped in a deep hug. Tears rolled down my face, stinging cuts I didn't know were there. He sniffles "I was worried. You weren't responding, we thought you died. You were so pale," I tear falls", "If anything like that happens again you call your brother ok." he points to himself.

My mother pushes him away a few inches "Here is the mirror you requested.". I picked it up with shaky hands and what I saw was atrocious. My eyes were red and bloodshot and spanning from the corners of my lips to the middle of my cheeks was a healing, thick scab. I was speechless "I-I-I, I need a mask. I am so hideous." My mother looked shocked that I would even suggest such a thing. She looks at me concerningly "No, you are beautiful just the way you are, but I will follow your request if you want me to." I attempt to smile but it hurts too much "Can you style it off of Anubis?". A small smile appears on her face "Of course, honey. First, I would like you to answer a question. Who attacked you?". I shrug "Before blacking out I remember one thing, Viva la Earl." her face darkens. "Thank you for answering but I have to go now. If you need anything, Cairo is here.". She walks out the door of the room. I swear I hear her say "Prepare for a rebellion". 

Thank you for reading and a little shoutout to @littleowl44 for being my first commenter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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