A Horrid Nightmare

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???'s POV:

I walk out of my house, Watching the curlyied hair teen he's 16 years old he has 3 other main friends; Garnet a tall beatiful woman, Pearl a slim and gorgeous gal, Then amethyst a short but cute person, Anyway I keep trying to contact them but they don't seem to be able to see me like as if i don't exist in the same mortal plane as them.."Hello? HELLOOO!!?" I yell in the curly haired ones face but he didn't seem to see me until i touched his shoulder then his eyes widened and he looked around

"Hello?? Uhm is anyone there!" he yelled looking around, I touched his shoulder again he looked derectly at me and screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAA-" I cover his mouth and look down..His human body was laying on the floor but his gem was floating? Its like his gem was a seprate being.

"SHH!" I shush him putting one finger on my lips, "H-Hello?" He says moving my hand off of him "C-Can you see me!" I ask in awe as he nods yes, "OMG. I've been wanting to talk with you for like 4 months now!!" I say trying not to get too excited, "4 months?" He asks his tone suprised "YEAHHHHHHHH But who careeesssssssssss?" I say shrugging moving away from him as we both look over too see the rest of the crystal gems come back!!

Garnet's POV:

We all appear ready to just chill after doing 2 seprate missing which is...draining to say the least...We warp back just to see stevens human half on the ground his gem floating we couldn't hear him or see him move!! We rush over pearl just stood there and amethyst was just so scared..Amethyst tries to shake steven until he wakes up she yells stuff like "STEVEN! WAKE UP PLEASSSEEEEEEEEEE!!" as she starts crying lightly I defuse.

Ruby'a POV:

Me and sapphie unfuse, We look at each other not a word was said yet everything we both needed to know was shared, I nodded and grabbed stevens gem he then...Well..IT Wakes up..Its not steven it doesn't even TRY To sound like him. Sapphire grabs amethyst and throws her to pearls feet knocking them both over as I take a defensive stance infront of everyone sapphire besides me.
IT Makes steven stand up its eyes...fully black as IT Smiles at us saying something we couldn't understand it was..a riddle?

"For he has a part undone and sad, A part of sorrow and saddness when he looks so melancholy and his stare is blank fill in his page with words of kind and of words of nice, He will only love himself if you can love him." It said its words heavy and disgusting..It even sounded wrong...Just it wasn't him and you can just hear something off like it is stevens voice just it isn't steven...

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I yell anger bubbling within me.

"Who am I? No. For the real answer you seek is who is he and which part of him don't yous see nor would yous understand?" It says

"THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!" I scream burning the carpet of which i stood on

"No, Wait..That makes perfect sense." Sapphire say's walking toward me putting a icy cold hand on my shoulder immediately putting out my fire, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SAPPHIRE!?" I yell getting so angry that i burned..her..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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