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A Problem Shared - Part 4

8 months prior...

You'd been sure at first that you were coming down with what Marcus had. The hot flashes and headaches were something he'd complained of over the past two days. You'd felt terrible leaving him and your concern for him continued to grow on the drive. You had stopped in your favourite cafe to grab your usual muffin and coffee, feeling a little twinge of sadness that Marcus wasn't with you for the third time this week. When the lady had handed you your order, the smell had hit you and you couldn't stop yourself from emptying the contents of your stomach into the trashcan at the end of the bar.

You'd started to piece it together pretty quickly after that. The headaches, hot flushes, and now you were sensitive to smells? All the signs were there and yet you found it hard to believe it. So when you'd finish your first load of meetings for the morning, you had dashed to the pharmacy down the street and bought a pack of tests.

You had to know.

One large glass of water and three tests later you were starting at the Clearblue tests... each one telling you the same thing.

You were pregnant.

A multitude of emotions washed over you at once. Excitement, joy and panic are a few amongst them. You and Marcus had only been together a handful of months and now you were pregnant with his child? You were happy though. You never thought this was going to happen for you and now here you were, 3 - 4 weeks pregnant, according to the tests, with the best man alive's baby.

So as you sat there a few minutes longer, looking at those tests, you knew that he would be happy about this because he wanted it just as much as you did and just like you, he thought he never would.

So when lunchtime came around you decided to give in to that niggling feeling and go check on him. Hoping your news would brighten up his day a little despite feeling as sick as he did. You were so excited to tell him. TO share this miracle journey with him.

Little did you know, fate had other plans.



It was a few days after you'd been released from the hospital and Marcus has yet to wake up from his surgery. The doctors had assured you it was a success, that his body was finally fighting but as you sat there nursing your daughter and eagerly waited for him to wake you started to worry. You'd researched possible things that could go wrong from here. You had done it because you wanted to be prepared or so you told yourself. In reality, you were just waiting for the next thing that would possibly take him from you and you hated yourself for it.

Why couldn't you just believe?

It was a little past noon when Marcus woke. He was dazed and confused as he attempted to blink away the fog that fluttered around his vision and clouded his mind.

Things came back in parts. Sounds were the first things, then smells. His sense of touch came back a little after that and then the final thing he regained was his sight.

The first thing he saw was white tiles above him. dotted with small holes that gave it a gravelly like texture. He smacked his lips as dry mouth made itself known and he lazily turned his head to seak out something to drink.

You noticed movement out the corner of your eye and your head snapped up in time to catch Marcus' gaze. He looked at you silently but you knew what he wanted so grabbed the ice chips beside him, scooted forward in your chair and brought one to his lips. He hummed as the frozen liquid hit his tongue and you smiled at the look of pleasure that crossed his face. You offered him a few more which he accepted before sitting back in your chair and smiling at him, a motion he weakly returned.

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