chapter four

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Crimson's wife sighed, her arm ached as the small bruises formed into bigger ones.

Struggling to sleep she sat up, looking over to her nightstand where her bloody small switch blade laid. She could end all her pain right now, get him while he sleeps.

'kill him.'

A tiny voice whispered into her ear, her tail flicked back as she stared at the switch blade. It'd be a swift blow to the head, he'd go quickly, leaving you and your two children to the property.

'i know ya want too.'

The voice whispered again, she had finally lost it. But if she was going down, she was taking him with her.

Leaning over she grasped the switch blade in her hand, staring down at it. Was she really going through with this? Could she stoop to his level and off him?

Surely she could, but what's the fun in it if she doesn't turn his vary own daughter against him first.

All she wanted to do was protect you from the evils of this world, to give you a better life. Sure at first she was distant with because of how you were.

She told crimson that imps should stick to their own kind and not meddle with the life's of humans or hellborns.

But he just took you in without a problem, introducing you to moxxie who immediately liked you.

Standing up she looked behind her. Excepting to see him in bed, it'd make it so much easier if he was.

But alas, he wasn't. Turning back to the door she moved out the room, tip-toeing to the living room gripping the switch blade tighter in her hand excitement coursing through her veins.

She could be free of him, free to love anybody she wants dress in anything she pleases.

Stepping on the carpet she creeped up behind the chair raising the switch blade up, ready to cause damage.

Only to stop when she realized you were on top of him. Sleeping quietly with his arm slung around you.

She'd just have to wait for the right moment to strike.

Word count 355

(daddy's little girl) (Permanently Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now