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Don't ask me how I'm doing
I'm gonna lie to you
I feel the need to please my people it's just what I do
So dry your tears
I always gotchu
It ain't as bad as it seems
I can't imagine if I lost you
You mean too much to me
I'm writing paragraphs for beg you not to end it all tonight
Cause I knew that's you'd always do the same for me
If the roles were reversed
And I was fading away
You'd take my 13 reasons why
An give me a million to stay
What do you mean you can't talk right now
I knew I was a burden
No one wants to talk to me
When I'm really hurting
And this is why I lie.
Why I smile and fake it all
Being broke isn't hot to you
Depression is a turn off
So turn it on
Pretend again
That everything's ok
Save the mental breakdowns
Save the tears
Ignore the pain
Wait fill you're alone so no one sees you at your worst
Cause the more you open up
The more it fucking hurts..

Credit goes to the original owner

Have a great night and I hope you enjoyed reading

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