Chapter 1: The Man

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I'm shitting my dick this place is so cool" Came the voice from the red head. Fake redhead that is, don't shit your pants people. "It's literally just where the rich people live." Another guy replied, he looked in the rearview mirror at the boy in the back seat. The backseat boy looked like a swerving fireball with his red hair, his head was turning left and right looking at all the big houses. But as soon as he turned his head to make eye contact with the male in the driver seat, his eyes avoided him and focused back on the road. The redhead's smile faded and he looked down then went back to staring out the window.

Suddenly, the car stopped. The boy in the backseat looked up from his lap and out the window, there was the house. A girl with caramel skin and dark brown hair with blonde streaks walked out the house with a jacket folded over her arm. The redhead silently scoffed and rolled his eyes but the boy in the driver's seat smiled and waved. She opened the door."Hey Elliot." She got in the car and leaned towards Elliot."Hey Iris." Elliot leaned towards 'Iris' and pecked her lips. She faced the back of the car. "Hello, Bailey." Bailey nodded his head. "Iris." Elliot smiled awkwardly and mumbled an 'alright' before he put his hands back on the steering wheel and drove off.

"Where are we going?" Asked Bailey. He always got nervous whenever Iris was around, such a difference to his usually loud personality. It's not that he doesn't like Iris, he actually loves her, as a friend of course, but there was always something about her that made him shrink back and want to curl up and die in a hole. "The abandoned shack" Answered Elliot. "Which one? There's like 50 abandoned shacks I know of." Elliot rubbed his hand over his eyes, a sign he was getting annoyed. "The one near Brady Street, fuckin' smartass." Iris snarked but Bailey cracked a smile. He loved upsetting people, especially Iris. It was like a reward to him whenever he could upset her since she was always 'happy go lucky', or at least she acted like it.

Eventually, the car came to a stop and the trio got out, "Why're we here?" Elliot asked, turning towards his girlfriend. Iris opened the back car door and started pulling out the notebook from under the seat, then slammed the door shut. "Need to do a report on this place" She took her jacket from Bailey's arm and put it on.

They walked up to the door of the decaying shack and opened it. The old, rusting hinges connected to the wood squealed loudly when pushed open, even the spider in the corner moved frantically to get away from the loud noise. When they peeked inside, there was a mattress on the wooden planks, a broken gas lantern lying next to a crumpled newspaper. When they walked inside, everything was covered in layers and layers of dust that Elliot couldn't help but sneeze a million times. Bailey walked towards the piles of old newspapers and ripped apart books. "Hey there's some old papers over here if that'll help you." Bailey waved over to Iris, and she hurried to him.


"Is this good enough?" Bailey asked. Iris was practically buzzing with excitement, she snatched the paper from his hands and stuffed it in her bag. 

"Yes! It's perfect!"

She turned around to show Elliot her new piece of evidence, but he was nowhere to be found. Iris tapped Bailey on the lower back and he turned away from the piles of papers. "Did Eli tell you where he was going?" Iris asked Bailey, who shook his head and his eyes darted around the room. "No, I thought he was gonna stay here with us." Iris and Bailey went to different sides of the room, trying to see if he was outside in the car or playing a prank on them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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