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I wake up and head downstairs looking at Hen on my way to the kitchen, I make two cups of coffee and walk over to softly wake her up "Hey..." I say while rubbing her back, I know what she did was wrong but as her being one of my best friends I feel the need to help her, that's just the person I am. I currently don't know where my best friend is, Me and Marlowe have been best friends for the past 10 years, our meeting was just like the Taylor Swift song, I sat down in my History class, one day in my freshman year next to a redhead named Marlowe and we then became best friends.

2 years ago right after my dad retired and moved here I started training to be a firefighter and wanted to be with my dad, so Me and Marlowe got into this huge fight and were arguing for 3 hours before my flight, I ended up leaving, and here I am now. Me and Marlowe still talk, all the time, just not about the serious things, she swears she's gonna catch a flight out here soon though. And I'm holding her to it.

Shaking the thoughts off, I wake Hen up and get some food in her before we left for the firehouse. When I got there as usual Me and Buck still aren't on "Talking" terms, more like we haven't spoken since that night. we have been partnered up but we work better together on the job then real life, plus I've heard from Chimney that he and Abby are pretty much exclusive already.

When we get to our first call there's a homeless man stuck in a garbage truck. The job always gets difficult, everyday, having to watch the people go through what they do gets hard.

We got the homeless man out with no severe damages to him. But Hen comes up and tells me that she needs me to help Athena with her, so we go. We walk in and go around the house until we go into the bedroom to see Athena with her top unbuttoned and handcuffed to a naked man, we start dying laughing and crying cause its so hilarious.

After that me and Hen head back to my house and hang out a little later then head to bed.

Dream on Fire } Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now