FRG Mtg News Report Warnings

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I love the moments that I have alone before an FRG Mtg Moments To Remember The last Words He Said To Me BE A GOOD GIRL AND YOU'LL GET A SUPRISE MY PRECIOUS SUBMISSIVE. I slowly walk into the Mtg wishing I could be at home on my punishment stool with My MASTER home. I don't normally plan to be a brat but I know that Master's favorite punishment is next in my journal so I continue to day dream till I hear something out of the ordinary in the meeting I hear that the news reports know where our Military guys are but we have to pretend that the information is false to keep them safe. I decide now is as good time as any to be a Marine Strong and Offer to be the Girlfriend to do an interview with the news and tell them that there source is wrong. With My Birthday Today I feeling completely Confidence in my Strength.


I'm publishing this cause it's My Birthday I Know It's Short but I Have Plans

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