of endings

34 3 4

may 25, 2015: 10:32 PM


Why do anything if everything ends?

I hate how much affection I put into things. I hate how I make the smallest thing in the hugest.

Today I think one of my friends (or at least consider) said goodbye to me.

Muted me and everything.

And I like to think it meant something. We were friends for almost a year. We made a collab and everything.

Well now the book [Chilled] is only mine, so...

Why do things have to end? Why do friends have to stop being friends?

I hate summer because when the next year comes I don't know if I'll have the same classes with my friends because the classes dictate who'll my friends will be.

In the perfect world, nothing will end and nothing will change. Everything will be the way it is now. It may not be a perfect moment now but it's better than the days to come.

I don't want anyone to break to my heart anymore.

Everything ends.

Ted met the mother and the story finished.

Letterman left the Letterman show.

Robert Williams isn't Peter Pan anymore.

Spock is gone.

Discworld is lost forever.

I can't really talk to this person because of the mute thing but if you're reading this, a part of me wants to say I'm sorry for whatever thing I did and I need you to please talk me because I miss you.

But I know I have to let you go. I know I have a problem with letting go.

You can't say a proper goodbye or maybe I don't consider it as one because nothing will be good enough for a goodbye.

And if Meet the Robinsons ever taught me anything is that you just have to keep moving foward.


God, I care too much

If anybody wants to be my friends, please don't break my heart by leaving me.

I don't know what I could ever do if:

Bill Murray and Morgan Freeman die.

Doctor Who has finished and is no more.

People around me start leaving.

I forbid goodbyes.

~anti-ending anna

P.S. I don't even want this book to end, let alone this chapter to end.

One more week and one day and a half until school ends.

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