Chapter 1: When Naruto Uzumaki Has Nothing to Do!

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(Naruto's POV/ Age 4)

"I can't believe that I am spending another birthday alone. Bad enough she kicked me out today. Stupid lady. Dumb! Why does everyone seem to have a problem with me. It can't be everyone, right? I just want to have someone care about me. *Stomach grumbles* Guess I better go find some food."

I walk towards the woods that surround the lake. To find some berries and hopefully a few fish if possible. I remember that the old net is still there from last time I was playing. I quickly run over to the bushes and grab a bunch off from it, putting them in the pouch I made with my shirt. Then I run over to the small clearing next to the lake and place them on the ground. Next thing I do is take off my pants and shirt and grab the net. I take a couple steps into the water, about until it reaches my calves. I lower the net into the water and wait for fishes to pass by. After a couple of minutes, one does. I lift the net quickly towards the fish and out of the water. Bagging myself dinner for tonight.

After a couple minutes of rubbing sticks together, while using a piece of old rope to spin the stick. Hoping that the thing I've seen the older kids do will work. After a while I create some smoke. I try and speed up, but my arms give out. I look to the stick pile and see the embers, quickly I scurry towards it and place a couple leaves and a couple smaller twigs onto the burning one. Shortly enough, the spark starts to grow into small embers. Which leads me to add the rest of the leaves and twigs I gathered. I then take a decently sharp rock and hit it against the stick. Another thing I saw a kid do. Lastly, I dig a little hole on an angle away from the fire, so that I can cook my fish. 

After 20 minutes or so, my fish is finally looking cooked. So, I take it and begin to eat it. I looked up to the sky just wishing that I wasn't alone. Yet somehow, this is the only one of my wishes that have been granted so far. I turn towards the noise of leaves rustling. That's when I see him, my Jiji, better known as the Third Hokage.

 That's when I see him, my Jiji, better known as the Third Hokage

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(But Like at Night Time)

Hiruzen: "Hello Naruto, what are you doing out here?"

Naruto: *swallows the piece of fish he was chewing on* "Not much Jiji, jus' trying to eat dinner. The mean lady at the orph'neg kicked me out. On my birthday too... How about you Jiji, what are you doing here? Don't you have a lot of thing to do?"*Sighs*

Hiruzen: *Smiles* "Well Naruto, the safety of all the village is one of my jobs. That includes you too. So, after this, let's get you to a new place to live shall we."

Naruto: *nods* "Hey Jiji?"

Hiruzen: *sits on a log* "Yes Naruto?"

Naruto: "Why does everyone hate me?"

Hiruzen: * A little shaken because he forgets that Naruto is now at the age where he is like a sponge at absorbing in information and speech from others* "I, no one hates you Naruto. People are extremely vain and stupid, especially the civilians when it come to you. They tend to fear what they don't understand. For some reason, it just so happens to be you. But I'll let you know that it's not everyone. You're great to be around. *Chuckles to himself* The more you look around Naruto, the more you might feel alone. But you'll one day see that not everyone feels the same about you. Like for instance. Teuchi and little Ayame, even some of the doctors who perform your yearly checkup. Also, if you ever went to the library, you'd find that the person who runs it to be a kind individual as well. You just have to search for those people a bit harder, because they are not on the surface, like the others. I know you feel alone, but I promise you won't always be."

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