Chapter 19

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Anna's POV

It's been a week since the murders. Everywhere I look I see one of my dead classmates faces. I hate to admit it, but I feel a little guilty. I just stand there and watch people cry all day, even scream every now and then. So many girls had mental breakdowns over their former teammates.

The next day Billy and I walked into school with cops surrounding the entire facility. We were so nervous thinking we would get caught. But how could we? None of them had our DNA on them. The girls didn't get to scratch, the boys didn't get to throw a punch. We're free. We got out free.

I did have to fake up some tears and tell everyone I don't know why or who could've done this to these innocent people. But I lied. I knew exactly why we did this. Because they all deserved it. They all thought they had higher power and meant so much more than we all did, and everyone here knows they somewhat deserved it. They have to! The girls that I killed were all bitches and skanks. All they ever wanted to do was get into Billy's pants.

But I didn't let the cops know that when I got interviewed. I sat there in the principles office, coughing up a storm in my fake little panic attack, while they tortured us with some kind of sob story. Each student had to go in there and listen to the same thing, and Billy and I got told how disgusting and gruesome our own murders were back to us. We already knew that, but they didn't have to.

It's easy to fake pain and tears when you've already endured so much of it. Anyone could lie, but Billy and I really do it best. The cops had asked us what we did that night, and without even knowing it we did the same thing. Watching scary movies all night and fondling around like teenagers do. Thankfully, none of our classmates liked us, so when they were told by their parents to tell them who was throwing the "party", they just said some friends of friends. And clearly young girls know how to gossip, but honestly we're too embarrassed to have my name come out of their mouths. I never popped up once in any of their conversations. Guess it pays off to be hated sometimes.

I know what you're thinking; god, isn't she full of herself? Yeah, maybe I am. Or maybe, it's the little twinkle in my lovers eye ever since that night. Billy has been dying for me to do something like this with him, so I did, but I knew I would get something out of it. He tells me he loves me, he's obsessed with me, anything I want to hear and it comes right out of his mouth. When I told him yes it was like giving a brand new needle out of the package to a heroine addict. It was golden for Billy to hear me say yes, I'll kill right next to you, and this week has been a dream.

Aside from my fantasy coming to life with Billy, my mom wanted to talk to me this afternoon. Since we have a new curfew set in town, so no one else gets killed, it'll be easy being ushered into her house without getting a ticket or accused I wanna go kill someone.

I'm not sure why she wants to talk to me, or what it's for, but I'm sure it's not good. She used her mom voice for once in ten years, like she's every really cared anyways. She's either up some guys ass or stuck at work; which probably meant some guy was up hers.

"You look lost in your head, baby." I'm pulled out of the fuzziness that's in my brain by Billy's voice. He takes his seat next to me in biology. It's our last week in this class and we don't even care. We haven't studied for this exam but it doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll pass since this is my third biology course, Billy will just cheat.

"Maybe I was. And perhaps I was enjoying it." I say in a playful yet annoyed way. "Don't be like that. I had a surprise for you tonight, but I guess since you wanna be a little bi-"

"Hey! C'mon, what's the surprise?" We both giggle at his playful comment that was cut off. "Just something small, to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?" I ask in confusion. "Celebrate what? That's a joke.. C'mon, you really have no idea?" I give him a few hand gestures that clearly states I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. "We're going into our senior year.. with a boom, might I add." He whispers that last part, without him even saying it I know what he means. I roll my eyes and shake my head, remembering the annoyance of my mother. "I can't, you know my mom wants to see me tonight. Maybe Saturday we can celebrate?"

Our Girl in Red: Billy Loomis and Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now