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Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf. Any lines that sound similar to the ones in the show (or are the same) belong to Jeff Davis, as do all characters and plots besides Rosie Argent and her story.

The next morning, I had a similar awakening- rocketing up in bed, breathless and afraid, the same nightmare pacing through my head. It's the same way I've been waking up ever since Allison died, and I have no idea how much longer it can last, especially since nobody knows about it. There was nothing I could do besides shake it off, hoping eventually it would go away.

I arrived at school early, since Lydia hadn't offered me a ride and it had seemed like a nice day to walk. As I was passing through one of the school courtyards, I crashed into someone, the second day in a row. Except this time, I wasn't ramming into a handsome new kid but instead a stressed out senior with a steaming hot cup of coffee in their hands- that ended up covering me.

She gasped, her eyes wide. I didn't recognize her, but I felt like I'd seen her before. "Oh my God. I am so, so sorry! Are you okay? Crap, that was all my fault. Your jacket!" She started rambling, and I glanced down at myself to find that my jacket was nearly soaked through with the coffee, so I stripped off the jacket and inspected my jeans, which had little stains of coffee but nothing too serious.

After assuring the senior that I was, indeed, okay, and that she didn't have to buy me a new jacket, I headed off towards my locker, this time a little more careful.

As I walked, I noticed Liam talking to another boy, standing solidly on his leg like it wasn't even hurt. I was almost certain yesterday that his leg was broken or at least sprained, given the angle it was positioned at, but I guess I was wrong.

I continued striding to my locker, before an arm was linked with mine. "So, I was thinking yesterday, and why do you need a lacrosse player? Sure, sports can make a boy a lot more impressive and interesting, but you don't even care about lacrosse. Why don't we find you a nice boy who may or may not be a sports star?" Lydia commented.

"Lydia, that's exactly what I was saying before." I reminded her, as we reached my locker.

"No, you were trying to convince me that you didn't need a boyfriend at all."

"Because I don't!" I insisted.

"Come on, Rosie. Work with me here- how about an actual friend? Just someone to hang out with?"

"Aren't you my friend?"

Lydia couldn't look more annoyed. "You know what I mean. A freshman. Someone sweet, a little charming, someone who can get you to go to parties and do normal teenager stuff."

"I don't even know why you care so much. I can handle myself, and I don't need a million friends all around me 24/7. Why does it matter to you whether or not I have a social life? We can't all be the most popular girl in the school, Lyds." I ranted, feeling something tying itself into knots in my stomach.

"Rosie, you don't have to be popular, and you don't have to have everyone in the school vying to be your acquaintance. I just want to look out for you, okay? You're like a little sister to me, and I'm leaving next year. I just want you to be able to have someone to talk to, if you feel like I'm not there. Although, you should know, I always am."

I set my books inside my locker, and turned to face Lydia. Before I said anything, I just wrapped my arms around her and gave her the biggest hug I could, hoping that would say it all for me. Lydia was my sister, and I was happy she was looking out for me.

"I'm glad you're here. Your methods may be a little blunt, and a little unconventional, and sometimes a smidge crazy, but that's okay." I raised my eyebrows. "Besides, who else is going to play Cupid for me?"

Lydia giggled. "No one, seeing as no one could do it as well as me."

Just then, the bell rang, and I scooped up my bag, dumping my coffee-stained jacket into the locker. Waving goodbye to Lydia, I started pacing towards a lesser-used hallway for a shortcut to my class.

I turned into the hallway and stopped dead in my tracks. Three boys were huddled together in the middle of it, using hushed, serious tones. They were clearly fighting, as one of them ripped away and yelled "Nothing's happening!". Recognizing it as Liam, I turned on my heel and sped away before anyone could see, my mind racing.

What the hell was going on with Liam?


Nothing could ever be more boring than school, I decided. I determined this as I took a seat in my biology classroom, one of the last classes of the day.

Ms. Martin, the biology teacher, was walking around the classroom, pointing at the tables and assigning lab partners. I caught my name towards the end, at the back of the class. "Rosie, you'll be back here." I'd completely missed my partner's name, so I rushed to take my seat.

"Hi, I'm Mason." My partner introduced, and I smiled.

"I'm Rosie." I knew who Mason was, of course. He wasn't exactly popular, but he was still up quite a few more rungs than I was. I'd seen him hanging around with a few kids I could recognize from my classes, including the cute new boy.

It was a good thing Mason was my new partner, seeing as my old one hardly seemed like he deserved to be sectioned off into Honors Biology. He was sluggish, and never made an effort to understand anything or do any of the work. Mason was pretty smart, and we made a good team. Mason also seemed to understand that I was on the quieter side, so he talked for most of the class while also upholding his half of the work fairly well.

At the end of the class, when we were one of the few sets of partners with a successful outcome of the lab, we gave each other congratulatory high fives and then headed off to finish the school day.

For the entire day though, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off around Beacon Hills High. Granted, things were usually pretty weird around here, but something felt different. Especially with Liam- something was extremely bizarre about him, but I couldn't seem to get him off of my mind for the entire day. I was just too curious, I decided, trying to make something out of nothing.



But actually though guys where did you come from how is this possible literally 200 people have read my story frICK.

Dedicated to bobmorley because she's bomb and votes for literally every chapter so that's pretty cool also her stories literally SLAY ME so go check them out pls (can someone tell me if the dedication shows up for them? I'm on the app rn and I can't see it but on the website it shows up soooo)

Once again guys, please more votes? It'd mean the world to me. I know you guys are there, but feedback would be much appreciated.

-Claire xx

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