Arkas and Sirius - Chapter One: Mission Gone Wrong...or right?

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Arkas (16)  went to his local pizza place downtown, it was about 11:30 at night, and being a young juvenile didn't make being there any better this late at night.  He was there on a mission for his father, the hero "Fareen Creed" who was really Jackson Reed (24), a business owner. He was looking for the villain "Anpu", he was scared, he knew Anpu had the ability to make people pass out anytime he wanted to as long as he touched them once. They had found out the villain's identity and where he works, and Jackson sent Arkas to find him, to "scout it out" as his father had put it. Guess he didn't want to risk himself getting caught, would rather risk his own son, Arkas thought, muttering under his breath. Arkas got to the desk where he order a large pepperoni pizza, extra sauce. After ordering he saw him, Anpu, in the back tossing pizzas. "$18.97" sir, the lady said. Arkas paid and waited outside for his pizza to be ready. He almost fell asleep due to how late it was, he was already groggy when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned around, shaking a bit when he realized who it was. "Your pizza.." Anpu handed him the pizza box, "Arkas..". Arkas froze, how did he know who I was...?! He thought. Arkas tried to play dumb, "I-I'm sorry, who? You must have the wrong person."
"Don't act dumb." he grabbed Arkas by the wrist, "Where's Creed?" he asked in a serious tone.
"I don't know who you're talking about.." his body began to stop moving, he was scared.
"Just fall asleep.. I don't have time to deal with you right now." Anpu's grumbled, his voice seemed to get fainter, harder to hear.

Arkas woke up in a dimly lit room, it was almost like a cell. He had one single chain on his left ankle, the chain was attached to the wall. He tried to remain calm, his father would come for him he thought. He was his son after all. He heard the sound of keys jingling, then the unlocking of his cell door, he looked over as he backed up farther into the corner of the room.
"Hello...?" a quiet, soft voice spoke. It wasn't the sound of Anpu so Arkas relaxed, leaning against the wall. A boy walked into the room, looks about the same age as me, Arkas thought to himself. "Your... Arkas right? I'm supposed to take care of you for the time being." he sat down a little way in front of him, "I'm Siruis."
The more Arkas thought about it, the more he realized Siruis looked similar to Anpu. Arkas shook his head, brushing the thought off as paranoia, "Hello, Siruis. Uh.. What do you mean by 'taking care of me?" the room went quiet for a few minutes, before he spoke again, "Siruis...?"
"Oh! Sorry, I– uh, it means while you here I am going to be the one look after you," he spoke quietly, almost as if he was trying not to bother anyone. "Oh... so I'm stuck here..?" Arkas spoke with an annoyed tone.
"That you are." another voice spoke, Anpu's. "And you better get rid of that tone." he was leaning against the doorway of the cell, a lit cigarette in his hand. Arkas stopped talking, scooting closer to the corner of the room. Siruis looked at Anpu, "Father..--" Anpu interrupted him, "Go upstairs, I need to speak with our 'gueast' alone."
Siruis sighed but obeyed, quickly walking upstairs. Arkas glared at Anpu, when he stepped closer to him Arkas created a little glass shard in his hand about to strike. He lifted up his hand quickly, throwing the shard towards Anpu, then going to dodge away from him in a hurry, he felt a tug before he fell and tripped, he looked at his ankle, he had forgotten about the chain. Anpu pulled the shard out of his shoulder while glaring at Arkas.
"Strength is nothing without strategy. You forgot a very important part of your pathetic attempt of an escape, you forgot about the chain," he spoke, coldly. Arkas backed himself into the corner, creating little shards to protect himself.
"Pathetic," Anpu stated like it was a fact.
"Let me go—" Arkas tried to say.
"No can do. You're already here, I'm not going to waste my time giving you back." he rolled his eyes, "Nicholas is my name, use it."
Arkas nodded, he made the shards disappear, after all, he didn't really feel threatened at the moment. Nicholas walked over to him, taking the ankle chain off with a little key, then he grabbing Arkas by the shirt.
"You'll get your own room while you stay here." he walked upstairs, going to a hallway with a small door, then opening it, "the doors small but the rooms big." he let go of Arkas.
Arkas was worried he'd get hurt if he tried running again, so he walked inside the room starting to look around, the room was big, and pretty, too.
"Get settled in, I'll bring you something to eat later." Nicholas closed the door, Arkas could hear him lock it, then walk off. There were no windows in the room. There was a desk with sketchbooks, some colored pencils, erasers, and outlining pens, there were also books on the desk and a book light. The bed was big, looked comfy. There were cloud lights strung up in the corners of the room, along with a big fluffy cloud rug on the floor. There was a little cat-shaped bean bag in the corner of the room. Arkas smiled a bit, it was better than his room at home. He walked to the bed and got on it, so comfortable, he thought. He layed down and covered up with the big warm blanket, and after a few minutes he eventually fell asleep.

Arkas heard the door knob wiggle, waking him up. "Father...?" he yawned, then he remembered where he was, "..Nicholas..? Siruis? That you?"
"I-It's me." a quiet voice, Siruis's voice, spoke. Arkas yawned again, then sat up. Siruis finally got the door open, he walked inside, "How are you doing..?" still talking quietly.
"Good, thank you for asking."
Siruis nodded, he walked over to Arkas, sitting beside him, "breakfast will be ready soon.." he smiled softly.
Arkas hadn't realized he slept the entire night."What's going to be for breakfast?"Arkas asked. "Chocolate Chip, cheesecake filled pancakes. With Strawberry Syrup."
Arkas felt his stomach rumble, it sounded great. "That sounds wonderful.." Arkas smiled a bit.
"Come on, I'll show you to the kitchen." Siruis got up, gently grabbing Arkas's hand and starting to walk out of the room. Arkas followed, staying close to him. As they walked Arkas realized how fancy the place looked, neat, pretty statues in the shape of foxes on little poles lining the halls, the red shiny banners, the neatly decorated house. It was pretty. When Arkas and Siruis got to the kitchen, the food smelt really good. The kitchen was decorated with a red microwave, a red oven, and red pots and pans. A blue tiled floor, black walls, and a black kitchen island with red seats. Nicholas put three plates down on the table, with a bottle of syrup so they could add their own amount. He was wearing a light grey apron, with a picture of a pie on it.
"Alright, here's breakfast boys. Eat up before it gets cold." he said with a sweetened tone. Arkas sat down beside Siruis, looking at his plate he became hungrier. It was chocolate chip pancakes, folded like a taco with cheesecake filling in the middle, and whipped cream on top with strawberries, he looked over at the syrup, he couldn't wait to eat. Arkas picked up his fork and knife and without hesitation, started digging in like he was starving. Once Nicholas got a good look at the boy, he realized just how skinny he was.
"Your awfully skinny for a kid at your age." he watched him eat quickly, "and hungry, too. Does the mighty 'Fareen Creed' not feed his own child?"Nicholas questioned, staring at Arkas.
Arkas paused, he was so hungry all he wanted to do was eat. "Oh.. I'm uh— not home most of the time," he answered, before continuing to eat.
"That was a lie." Nicholas said coldly, "I don't like liars. If you were out you could've easily gotten food, instead you're skinny, I can almost see your ribs. But if you don't want to tell me, fine, just eat."
Arkas continued to eat, the food tasted amazing, the warm cheesecake filling was his favorite part. After breakfast was what Siruis and Nicholas called 'training'.
"Why do you want to train me..? How do you know I won't use your training against you?" Arkas asked boldly, even though the words ended coming out quiet.
"Eventually you'll learn no one coming to save you, and you'll join my son and I. I don't want you getting hurt.. badly, so I am going to train you. You cannot use anything against me, I'll know how to beat it." he spoke, "And you won't get anywhere with that timid tone." He 'gently' shoved Arkas next to Siruis. "Just show me what you can do, Arkas."
Arkas looked a some of the training dummies that were set up. He made little shards and shot them at the dummies.
"That it? Shards?" Nicholas looked over at the shards piercing the dummies soft fabric.
"Yes." Arkas looked at Nicholas, annoyed at his reaction.
"Impressive. If you learn to use it right it could do a great deal of damage." Nicholas patted Arkas's head softly.
Sirius smiled, "Your gonna do fine here, Arkas. I think your gonna like it."
Arkas looked at Siruis, and to his surprise, even though he hated the thought, he thought Siruis was right, he was gonna like it here.

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