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I finish the call with my assistant and tell him I'll be on my way when I look around and dont see my niece, Sofia.

Oh shit, wheres Sofie? I swear she better not have run off with a random 60 year old dude. A wave of relief fills me when I see her on the slide. I walk over and wait for her to slide down so I can scare her, she's the only person I could never be angry at. But when a girl my age comes out giggling with Sofie, I can't help but smile. Sofie jumps up and hugs me.

Wow, this girl is pretty.

She has rosy lips and fair skin with really nice eyes and she wears a hijab which makes her look 1000× better. Lower your gaze. Lower your gaze. Why isn't it working? It's not a magic spell u idiot.

'Salam, Sorry, she didn't disturb you much did she?' This is hard which is unusual for me and its not the fact that she's pretty. Shes making me lose my words and I'm finding it hard to lower my gaze, ya Allah help me.
'No, she was okay' she replies calmly lowering her gaze.

'I know I seem really irresponsible but I've been trying to find a babysitter for a week now because my sisters gone for the month and sofie just says no and annoys the shit out of them so I have to take her to work and I try so hard to look after her but sometimes she just runs off, what if a random guy just decides to take her, im pretty sure she's told you but my sisters already been through a lot'

I quickly spill out my words like an idiot, I swear this has never happened, compose yourself Aidan.

'Sorry I never really speak like that but she's probably told you half of that already and I feel like an idiot leaving her like that'
'It's fine seriously, if you need a babysitter I could watch her if you want' I don't know why she said that, it's probably a bad idea because Sofies a little monster, she always finds a way to make her babysitters leave.
'Are you sure?' I ask
'Yeah my sisters around her age anyways so I can watch them both together' my assistant starts ringing me on my emergency number.
'I need to go now but here's my number so just text me when youre free and we'll discuss the details'
'No problem, by the way, I didn't catch your name'
'Aidan' I reply. 'And yours?'
'Sumaiyah but u can call me Aiyah' she says with a cute smile.

After leaving, Sofie whispers to me 'Can you please marry her, she's really pretty and she's so nice, please, please, pleaseee'
'Sofie, you can't just get married to girls you meet and she just met me, she wouldn't like me like that'
'Whyyy?' She whines
'Why did you run off?'
She blushes and looks down lost for words. We get in the car and I strap her in when a song by Chase Atlantic blasts through the radio. Shit. I hope Sofie didn't hear that. It was a swear as well. Oops.

Once we got in the car, I couldn't stop thinking of her, she had full control of my mind and now that I think about it she had a really pretty name.


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