Beginning 1 Ch.

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• Rain and thunder appeared over the land, muddy roads and puddles full of water became impassable for people. The charioteer's suit was really wet from all that rain, and the horses were already tired. The coachman said: "hhaaa" and slowly whipped the horses with the rope that held them. In the carriage sat a man with hazel eyes, his eyes glazed over in such gloomy weather, there are many scars and wrinkles on his face, although the man was beautiful for his age, his brown hair with ash growths was long with a tied low tail. A man went to Germany to Göttingen with the aim of helping the people of that city, even though it was not true. In his leather bag were all the medical records indicating that this man was a doctor. Dr. Johann Friedrich Struensee slowly picked up the medical records and read them until he reached the city of Gottingen. He was met there by Mrs. and Mr. Wagner in the heavy rain, hearing that the new doctor had arrived. Their daughter Anna had a severe virus, they didn't know what to do for a week. Mr. Wagner turned to Johann.

• Sir, I heard that you are coming to town today, my daughter is very sick, you are our last hope.
• Johann says in this predicament: I see you are waiting in the rain.
• Mrs. Wagner says: we know you are tired from your trip, but my daughter Anna has already had a high temperature for a week and something strange on her skin. We know we're being rude, but it's really urgent...
• Johann asked: excuse me, what's strange? Some scabs.
• Mrs. Wagner says: YES!
• In that predicament, Johann's eyes widened and said: where is Anna? Mr. Wagner said at that moment: follow me.
• Walking quickly in the rain, Mr. and Mrs. told Johann that Anna had a high fever and could no longer move or swallow water.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wagner followed Johann to their mansion. Johann understood that Mrs. and Mr. Wagner were wealthy people. Their butler opened the door and as they all entered the villa the butler greeted all three men only Johann greeted the butler. The butler took a wet umbrella and coat from the lady, a wet coat and hat from the gentleman, and a coat from Johann. The maid quickly escorted Mr. and Mrs. and Johan, opening the door of the room where Anna was.

Johann approached the bed where Anna was lying, and sat down on the chair, bringing chair with his legs. Seeing that all the skin on her face was full of scabs. Johann took a very thin handkerchief from his bag and put it on the wrist of the young lady's hand to check the heartbeat.
• Mrs. Wagner: do you know why our daughter is sick?
• Johann: Your daughter has measles.
• Mrs. Wagner: Is there a cure?
• Johann says: I have it in a glass bottle. She will have to receive the vaccine. This medicine is new in medicine so we will hope for the best..
• Mrs. Wagner quickly says: Do whatever it takes to save my daughter.
• Johann takes out the vaccine and the vial of medicine from his bag and injects the vaccine into the shoulder.
• Johan told Mrs. Wagner that he would have to come every day to see Anna's condition and said that Anna must drink water and eat light food because she must not become dehydrated.

• Johann leaves, and Mrs. Wagner tells him to eat or drink something. Johann said he didn't want to and greeted everyone, quickly took his coat and ran in the rain to the nearest apartment.
• After a few days, Anna felt much better, her scabs slowly began to heal. She could talk and eat. Johanna got really tired of the conversation with many questions that even he didn't know how to answer, like why the sky is blue and how far the sun and the moon are and the distance between the moon and the sun.

• Johann says to Anna with an expression of tired eyes: Do I look like an astronomer to you?
• Anna is silent...


• Mrs. Wagner thanks and offers Johann to drink coffee with her. Johann refused at first, but later agreed, seeing that this was his last day to work in this villa, he said he could.
• Mrs. Wagner was sitting at the table and Johann approached the table and sat down. The maid was pouring coffee into Mrs. Wagner's cup and into Johann's cup. There were two saucers, sugar cubes were placed in one, and tea cookies in the other. When the maid left the room Mrs. Wagner says: I don't even know your name? Johann had to hide his real name and surname.
• John Schwarz and yours?
• Countess Isabella Maria Wagner.
• May I ask you why you are coming to this city?
• Johann: I heard that a doctor died in this town, so I came to help the people of this town.
• Mrs. Wagner: Really nice deed. You are not from this country, I can hear your accent?
• In my youth I lived in England, my father is a German who married an English woman. I studied in Berlin for a doctorate.
• I don't know your last name.
• I did not come from a wealthy family.

• Thank you for explaining things to me and saving my daughter.
• ...a second of silence...
• Umm, I hear there is a vacant space on the main street where you can open a practice.
• Really?
• Can I give you the address of the man who keeps the premises?
• Johann takes a small piece of paper from his bag and ink.
• his name is Paul Gabriel Kühn, he lives at Kaufinger 7 right next to the toy factory.
•Thank you!
• I will tell all my friends who saved my daughter.
• Do not forget to say that I do not treat only wealthy people. And that I'm not wealthy.
• The countess immediately stops questioning.
• Sorry to disturb you, but I have to go, said Johann.
• Bye, Mr. John
• Greetings from Countess Wagner
• The butler opened the door for Johann and greeted him, Johann also greeted him.

• Countess Wagner shouted:

• What a drooler!

• The maid and the butler try not to laugh…

• Johann went in search of Mr. Kühn. When he arrived at Mr. Kühn's door, he was greeted by a grumpy old man with a hoarse voice.
• What do you want, I don't have money for you, he didn't even look at the man.
• Wait, I came here because I heard you were selling space on the high street.
• Old man: Uh, feel free to come in, sir, suddenly the man smiles as if he saw a gold coin on the street.
• I don't have much time to talk, said Johann
• I came here to see how much your space costs.
• The old man thinks first and says 30 gold coins.
• Johann speaks in a slow and deep voice:
• I will come tomorrow at exactly 9:00 a.m. to sign the papers and see the space. If the space is not decorated, be prepared to be accused in court of selling and offering cheap space for an expensive one. Johann leaves saying:
• Johann's murderous cold look scared the old man.
• The old man says in a calm voice with a slightly frightened and surprised face:
• The old man closed the door and said:
• What a gentleman. The younger the generation, the harder it is to control them.

• It's night, there's almost no one on the streets, Johann goes to the apartment. The next day he goes to the space for sale . Seeing every millimeter of space and seeing the contracts, Johann signs and gives gold coins to the old man.
• The space was not very large, it had two rooms. The larger room was six metars by six metars, and the other four metars by four, the larger room had a large window and a door. There are four chairs and a table and a wardrobe in the large room, and two wardrobes in the small room.
• Johann has already started decorating the space, he took a board and asked the carpenter to engrave it on the board
• The carpenter made it and it cost him five silver coins. He also had to buy two curtains and a carpet which cost him twenty pieces of silver. He had to send a letter to the Berlin Pharmacy to make a contract for ordering the drugs. He did it all in one day. After seven days, the contract arrived and Johann signed and ordered over thirty medicines that cost him two gold coins.

• A year after...

• The weather was sunny, the office was near a park where only wealthy people enjoyed nature without work without any annoyance, students, women and children constantly came there to talk with friends and for their children to socialize. Rich women, if they saw a lower-class woman passing through the park, they would make fun of her, say what kind of clothes she is wearing, how dirty she is, how thin she is, and that her skin is darker than theirs, how it does not fit into the concept of beauty, how her stomach pops out, her hair disheveled and unkempt. They would call such women a mess. They would not allow their children to hang out with lower class children. People like discrimination, people rarely change.

• Johann became a well-known doctor to wealthy people. As a doctor who knows what he is doing and sees new inventions and medicines in medicine, he was a miracle for them. Many people respected and knew him. He would go to the houses of wealthy people and examine patients, and in the evening he would treat the poor and homeless in the doctor's office. Many people have heard of him in Germany.

• Three young students enter the doctor's office...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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