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Quackity POV

Well this is new I lean into the touch not knowing what else to do grabbing the attention of Wilbur "hey are you ok? "I nod my head a bit before stopping and leaving the hug meeting Wilbur's confused eyes they were way to easy to get lost in they drowned out all my other emotions the fear I was feeling , the guilt all of it was gone when I looked into Wilbur's eyes I wish that this moment could last forever because it was pure heaven.

Wilbur looks down at me before kissing my forehead I feel my face heat up as he giggles a bit , this guys a total stranger and I decide to fall for him what a fucking idiot." Well I apologize Quackity but I need to go back home before my brother starts worrying about me if you need me I'm always available. "I look at him with a clearly confused expression, "how am I meant to contact you dipshit" he sighed realizing why I was confused and pulled out a piece of paper writing his number down and giving the paper to me "make sure you call me "was the last thing he said before walking back into the shadowy streets leaving me alone stood in shock at what just happened.

Taking one last look around the streets I begin to go back to my ex's house to pack my stuff, I need to leave in the morning anyway.

Time Skip

After almost getting hit by several cars I made it back opening the door as quite as possible making sure not to wake anyone up. I sneak upstairs only to be met with the angry eyes of my ex, Schlatt ."What are you doing here ?"he said sounding incredibly drunk as always I didn't want to deal with him right now but who knows what Schlatt would do if I tried to run past him especially when he was drunk. Not only would he be stronger than me but he becomes way more aggressive when drunk he's had a bit too much to drink. "I've just come to pack my stuff so I can leave already" I say groaning when I hear him continue the conversation again "well can you be quite some of us actually want to sleep" I roll my eyes and continue to make my way to the guest room where Schlatt had me sleep grabbing things from all over the room that had meaning to me only ending up with two boxes of stuff. As I leave the house I make sure to slam the door behind me before calling my brother George to pick me up for Schlatt's dump of a house.

Shortly afterwards he arrives in his fancy car and helps me to put my stuff into the trunk. "thanks for this by the way" I didn't know what else to say I was very grateful that George let me stay at his while I get my life back on track . George looks over at me before speaking in a soft voice "its no problem really Quackity you cant help that he kicked you out and besides you've done loads for me over the years I think its finally time for me to pay you back. "he smiles at me before looking back at the road making sure we don't crash.

After a few minutes we are at Georges house , he takes me to my room and brings my boxes of stuff in for me. "Really George thanks for all the help, I mean it." I uttered He gave me one last smile before leaving the room and giving me some privacy. I searched through one of my boxes that I filled with clothes and pulled out a pair of pyjamas tacking off my coat and hanging it up when a scrunched up piece of paper falls out of the pocket.

I pick it up and unravel it to see what's written on it, once opened I see a phone number scribbled on the paper completely forgetting about my encounter with Wilbur earlier. Grabbing my phone from my pocket I type the number into my contacts and ring it when a familiar voice answers.

"Hello who is this?" the voice replies Wilbur. "Its Quackity ,remember me? "I hear him laugh a bit making a slight redness to appear on my face, "How could I not remember a cutie like you" Now I was really red why is he so flirty all of the sudden? Soon I came up with an reason to end the conversation, not because I don't want to talk to Wilbur but I've had a long day and I want to get to sleep, "Well will its been a pleasure talking to you but I need some sleep after the day I've had. "I admitted "That's fine ill let you sleep cutie. "I hung up the phone before he said anything else how could I be so in love with someone I met not even a day ago?

846 words

𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞「𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐮𝐫 」Where stories live. Discover now