The Cell

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Unknown POV

I woke up to nothing. My eyes were open, but I couldn't see anything.

I started to panic. The darkness was closing in on me as I convinced myself that I was blind.

My heart was doing backflips while my eyes darted around wildly, searching for something they could see; any outline, any hazy silhouette lurking in the darkness.

After what felt like a lifetime, I caught sight of a diminutive slip of light coming from the gap beneath a metal door that spilled out onto the floor.

The hard, cold floor. My whole body was aching. It felt like I was lying on icicles. But it wasn't a familiar sensation.

Why don't I remember falling asleep here?

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying desperately to remember what had happened before I blacked out, but my head was fucking killing me. If the room wasn't so empty and dark, it probably would be spinning in vicious circles like one of those spinning tops I had when I was a kid.

The air was still. It was dead silent. All I could hear was the sound of my short, panicked breaths getting quicker and quicker as my mind was getting hazier and hazier.

I knew I wasn't at home. The foreign stench of too much disinfectant alone could've told me that. But the fact that I had absolutely no idea where I was made me so anxious I thought I might vomit.

There was a strange metallic taste in my mouth. Sort of like blood. It was hard to swallow. Like someone was choking me.

Suddenly my heart dropped. Everything stopped for a moment, then, out of nowhere, a terrible thudding sound started passing through my ears- thump, thump, thump.

It felt like the room was closing in on itself; the walls crept closer and closer, threatening to squash me like a bug.

The ground all of a sudden turned into hot coal. I was sweating, losing breath, like the excruciating heat was drawing all the oxygen from the air.

I have to get out.

But as I tried to push myself up to standing, an abrupt sharp pain shot up my right arm. "Ah, fuck!" I slammed back down onto my side, my left hand clutching onto what definitely did not feel like skin.

My racing mind paused for a split second.

Confused, I moved my arm closer to my face, and, although difficult to make out in the dark, I could just about see that nearly the entire limb was covered head to toe in a pale white plaster cast.

Did I break my arm? My wrist? When did this happen? I can't remember. Why can't I remember?

My unbroken arm trembled underneath the dead weight of my feeble body as I slowly scrambled to my feet. Everything hurt. From my jellified legs, to my potentially shattered bone and throbbing head, I didn't think I could even make it to the door.

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