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3 weeks already passed and so many things happened. I was grieving at my brother's death but Luke was there for me to hold on. Even though he wasn't there physically, he was in my mind. He helped me get through every single day.

I also got to know more about Calum. But I didn't tell him that I knew Luke. I also didn't tell Luke that I knew who Calum is. Cal would always talk about Luke and I would try not to get awkward about it. From all the things he told me, I knew they were really close. Our hang out happened but it was only me, him, and his sister named Mali whom I first thought was his girlfriend.

Cal also told me about how he has this small band with Luke and 2 more of his friends. He told me how Luke had such an amazing voice. I knew that Luke had an angelic talking voice but I never knew he could sing which made me find him even more attractive and more eager to meet him soon.

After the funeral 2 weeks ago, I locked myself in my room for a day grieving about Chris's death. It was so depressing not seeing him around.

I arrive at Calum's house and knock on his door.
"Cal this is Katrina."
He opens the door and smiles widely.
"Hello. Come in, make yourself at home."

Something about Calum makes me feel so comfortable. We have this type of connection. Not the type of connection like I feel about Luke. Some type of connection I didn't know but we had some things in common.

I take a seat on his couch admiring the paintings on the wall since all were very pretty.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Calum asks me from the kitchen.
"Sure. I want pizza, Cal."
"I was thinking about that too. Finally someone loves pizza like I do."

We decide to go the pizzeria which was a few meters away outside the village.
When we arrive at the pizzeria we just sit down and talk about whatever came through our head.
"So Cal, you told me you had this band with your friends. What's it called?"
"5 Seconds of Summer."
Actually a cool band name.
"Nice. So on a scale of 1-10 how great does your friend, Luke, play the guitar?"
"Hmm.. I'm gonna say, a hundred."

Hundred huh? I'm starting to fall harder for Luke. What am I even doing? We haven't even met yet. I'm here talking with his friend pretending I didn't know him. What the hell, Kat. But the thought of Luke singing and playing the guitar causes my heart to flutter.

"Kat! kat! hello? daydreaming again huh?"
"Oh sorry. Wait what were you talking about again?" I laugh and he rolls his eyes.
"I was talking about this girl. How pretty she was and I met her in this cafe and she was really nice and really accommodating. She was also hot, shall I say."
I smirk at him. I was wondering who the girl was though. He said he net him in a cafe and by how he described her, she sounded so familiar to me. It sounded like it was Fiona.
"I'm not really sure. But i saw her nametag. There was an F and I on it. I can't figure it though since she might think I was looking at her chest."
I laugh at him because of his weirdness. I know who this girl is.
"F and I. Hmm.. Did you meet her in the cafe near the village?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Because I know that girl and she's my friend and her name is Fiona but I'm not giving you her number unless I get her permission because she might think you're a creepy stalker."
He rolls his eyes again. I have never been so close to someone in this kind of way. He felt like a brother.

"God Katrina, I didn't even say I was gonna get her number. You're so assuming but I'd love to have her number."
"Fuck you, Cal."
He pouts and I smack him lightly on his side.
"Will you please introduce me to her though? Please? I really want her to be my friend."
"What if I say no?"
"Well fuck you, I'm doing it myself."
I laugh at him again. As if he can do that without my help. HA. I bet he'd act like a puppy to her. Cal looked like a puppy though.

"But I need your help though. Really."
He pleads me with puppy eyes.
"Fine dude," I laugh. "Just one thing buy me more pizza."
He rolls his eyes for like the hundredth time. It was so unusual for me to be this annoying. I would only be like that to Chris as well as he was also annoying. I missed him though.

Like I said, I really felt this brotherly connection with Cal. I was so comfortable around him and he was just like Chris. Annoying and caring at the same times. I really missed Chris and sometimes, I mean most of the time, I feel sad about not having him anymore.

I didn't want to regret again so this time, I would show Calum how he is like a brother to me. Life is short and we never know what happens in the future so I will really try my best to be a great friend to Calum.

Yo guys ! Fiona and Cal Watchu think?
So yea Katrina and Cal are like close friends already ! I hope u liked this chapter. mwahmwah.

So it's 1 AM and Imma sleep since I finished this Chap.

I hope u all look forward for my updates bcs this is a pretty boring book, for me lol

All the love, K xx

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