Chapter 1-

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"Class, I would like to welcome Kayden Thorpe to 11-A Math class. Please give him a warm welcome." Mr Gale said. "Kia Ora, everyone, I'm Kayden, even though you know that already, and it's nice to meet you." He spoke quietly, yet his voice was loud enough to project to the back of the class. A pretty girl started clapping, death-staring everyone until they clapped as well, filling the quiet classroom. Kayden looked embarrassed as he looked around the class, seeing most of his classmates'strings, and seeing some half-visible strings mixed with nonexistent strings. Finally, Kayden looked at the girl who clapped for him first, noticing her brightly coloured string that could easily be mistaken for blood. As Kayden's eyes followed her string, which ran from her pinky finger to his thumb, he was shocked. Firstly, she believed in The Red String as much as he did, maybe even more, because that was the brightest string he'd ever seen. And secondly, because she was his soulmate.

Kayden saw an empty seat next to his soulmate, a row from the back wall. He walked over, pushing his black-red hair from his face, and sat next to her. He reached into his bag and grabbed his Math book and some stationary. The girl whispered to him, "Do you have a pen I can borrow?" I've somehow lost all my stationery. It's only the second week of school." Kayden softly laughed while reaching into his bag, grabbing a pen, and giving it to Eli. "Thanks, Kayden. I'm Eli, by the way." She said, "Do you have Snapchat or anything? I want to say that I got the new kid's social first. Kayden laughed loudly at that, catching Mr Gale's eye."Kayden, I know you're new here, but my class has a strict no-talking rule unless you are in team/pair activities." Mr Gale sternly spoke.

"Okay, Mister," Kayden replied meekly, looking down. Eli giggled, "Man, you suck at being quiet." She laughed, looking at him. "Hah, I know. And yes, I have Snapchat. I can write it down." He wrote his username down on the back of his math book. Eli discreetly took a photo, not wanting to be seen with her phone out. "Thanks! I'll add you at lunch, okay?" Eli replied, "Okay." He grinned, as Mr Gale began to talk.

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