SFW; Eve and the Relic 2

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Evelyn took slow steps into the Relic on Mars, a small piece of metal in her hand. Nolan fluttered over her shoulder, glancing to her a moment.

Nolan; "This isn't really the best idea, you know. I'd hate to have another Ana Bray on our hands."

Eve; "I'm not gonna obsess over it... I don't even know if this is going to work. It's just... It'd be nice to know."

She walks up to the Resonance Engine and sets the metal fragment in a small tile that fit it perfectly; it's a worn dogtag with a picture of a Human on one side, the only legible text reading "Evelyn" on the other. Eve closed her eyes and rested her hands on either side of the tile. After a moment, she heard a whoosh all around herself, opening her eyes to see the Altar of Reflection environment enveloping the room.

She turned around to see a Human with dark complexion and steel colored eyes, wearing winter camouflage fatigues and saluting. Eve looked her up and down, taking note of the dogtag around her neck, though her full name was still unreadable. Looking over the her human selfs' shoulder, she saw a two others behind her, one Caucasian adult male with a mullet and a small female child with a slightly lighter complexion than her Human self. After a moment, the child spoke.

Kid; "What's mom doing, dad?"

"She's showing respect for the people that didn't come home from war."

Kid; "... Oh."

A few more minutes passed and the Human Eve lowered her hand and turned around, briskly walking over and picking up the kid, both laughing quietly. The Human Eve kissed the adult male and she spoke softly to them both.

H. Eve; "Shall we go get ice cream?"

There was a resounding cheer from both of them as they walked away. The three faded as they approached the exit, and the Altar gave way to the real world. Eve stood there and sniffled a little, and Nolan turned to face her once more.

Nolan; "... Are you sure you're not gonna obsess over them?"

Eve shook her head no gently, wiping a hand across her left eye, voice cracking like pavement at first, but stabilized by the second sentence.

Eve; "No... They were loved. And that's enough."

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