SFW; Eve learns Stasis

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Evelyn stands inside the security booth with her hands on her hips as Saint heaves a Hunter over his shoulder, their head twisted 90°.

Eve; "Thanks Saint... Sorry to bother you."

Saint; "No need to apologize, Chief. I'm always happy to help keep the Tower safe. One day, you might even deputize me and Osiris, haha!"

Saint proceeded to the Hangar as a Warlock in Praxic robes waved him down, gesturing for him to follow her. Meanwhile, Eve picked up the contraband the Hunter had on their person; a small triangular prism of obsidian black, highlighted by dim sapphiric veins. Nolan appeared over her shoulder as she held the prism up to the light, squinting a little.

Nolan; "... The hell is that?"

Eve; "I was gonna ask you the same thing... Weren't you reading?"

Nolan; "I was... Something about that crap is creeping me out."

Eve; "Well, now, I'm worried if you're worried."

She wandered into the back room with the splinter, gently holding it in her hands.

Eve; "... What do you think it is, Nolan?"

Nolan; "Not sure... Definitely the same material as the pyramid on the moon."

Eve; "So it's Darkness?"

Nolan; "Yeah, but... Like a different strain. Not like the Nightmares, or the Taken... Almost looks like it could interact with technology."

Eve set the splinter on a desk and stared it down. She took note that the artifact seemed to drain the heat from around it, forming small ice crystals on the desk.

Eve; "Hmm... Maybe we can do something with that..."


Evelyn knelt in front of a Frame, its' chest opened up and inner circuitry exposed. She had designed a slot to loosely fit the splinter. She slipped it inside the Frame and stood, taking a couple steps back and remotely activating the machine.

As soon as it came on, it began to freeze over from the chest outwards, encasing the robot in dark ice. Eve raised her eyebrows in surprise, slowly coming closer to the Frame and reaching into its' chest, dislodging the splinter with a grunt. The force of the removal caused the Frame to break in half, the upper half falling over and shattering into nothingness, the lower half frozen to the ground.

Eve; "Huh... That's not good."

Nolan; "You're not gonna try that on yourself, are you?"

Eve; "No... No, I think I need professional help."


Eve walked with slight shame through the Annex, her posture hunched slightly. She took a right, just before heading out onto the landing pad to see Drifter, tossing a coin into the air, catching it and looking her way with a smirk.

Drifter; "How you livin' Chief? Finally gonna try some Gambit?"

Eve; "Actually... I wanted your opinion. You seem to know a lot about Darkness... Do you know what this is?"

She held up the splinter and Drifters' grin widened as he tossed the coin into a Cabal helmet.

Drifter; "Might wanna take a seat, sister: this'll make you shiver."

Destiny shorts; Final Shape Edition Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant