SFW; Nilzaks and Eido

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The sun slowly began to rise on the Eliksni Quarter of the Last City, the House Light Ketch casting a shadow against the tallest of the buildings. Eido sat on a bus with being modified with radio equipment and reinforced on either side with metal struts, looking down at the ground.

Coming to her side was a Vandal-sized Eliksni, an amulet around his neck in the shape of the old House Kings symbol. He hesitantly sits beside her, but also being sure to give her space. Eido sighed quietly before speaking, adjusting her Ether mask prior.

Eido; "... Can I help you?"

"... I was going to ask you the same. You seem frustrated."

Eido; "... A little..."

She glanced to the other Eliksni, adjusting her seating position, crossing her legs, no longer letting them hang off the bus.

Eido; "... But I don't want to talk about it. I'm not really in the mood to talk at all."

The other Eliksni nervously rubbed his lower hands together, swallowing a knot in his throat before speaking again.

"... I could help you get your mind off it."

Eido took a moment to ponder the offer, looking towards the Ketch briefly.

Eido; "I suppose... what is your name?"

She asked this as she turned to look him in the eyes, and it took all his strength to not look away out of shyness.

"... Nilzaks, of House Kings... well, used to be."

Eidos' mood seemed to lift slightly, her eyes widening.

Eido; "You were part of House Kings? one of the original houses?"

She scooched ever so slightly closer, and Nilzaks could feel his heart pound in his chest.

Nilzaks; "Many years ago, yes. I was a learning to be a Splicer, before the Whirlwind happened. My father was an armorsmith. After the Long Drift, he joined with House Devils in the Final Attempt. I was still with Kings until Fikrul killed our Kell."

Eido watched and listened to the stories with starstruck eyes, making Nilzaks smile a little under his Ether mask when he acknowledged this.

Nikzaks; "... After I fled from House Kings, I fell in with Kells' Scourge. Then with House Dusk when Siviks was ended. I joined Misraakskel around the same time The Guardian rescued him from Europa; stole a Skiff and followed his Ketch to the city here."

Eido; "Wow... you have quite the story!"

Nilzaks; "Heh... you could say that."

Eido; "But your father... what became of him?"

Nilzaks took a moment to think, looking towards the sunrise as the Ketch gave the pair shade.

Nilzaks; "He resigned himself to the Cosmodrome, using the hulls of the ships to strengthen his armor. I heard rumors that he could withstand multiple Guardian attacks; heavy ordnance, the Light, vehicles at high velocity... I think I even heard he survived a Warsat falling on him."

Eido; "What was his name?"

Nilzaks; "... I think it was... Rahndel."

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