SFW; Eve and Vija

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Evelyn transmats onto the surface of Mars, shotgun in hand. Following her is a Titan with a fistful of Stasis in her right hand, observing the scenery; a Golden Age facility dug up by the temporal abnormalities, overlooked by a spire in the distance.

Eve; "Vija, stay close to me; don't know what we're gonna find in there."

Vija; "Got it, Chief."

The two lept down an open shaft into the inner workings of the facility, sneaking past Goblins, Harpies and Minotaurs, all of the Sol Divisive, until they emerged at the bottom of the spire... Well, the lowest level, anyway. Vija peered up at the apex of the spire with a cringe.

Vija; "That's... A long way to climb."

Eve looked the same way she was as she went to stand beside her before raising an eyebrow in epiphany.

Eve; "Hold on... Let me try something."

Her hands became coiled in emerald filaments, and she cocked her right arm back before hurling it forward, throwing a rope of Strand upwards, to the top of the spire. She tugged on it a moment, to confirm it was hooked it, before gesturing to Vija.

Eve; "Ok, don't expect this to be a regular thing... Grab on to me."

Vija awkwardly got close to Eve, wrapping her arms around her abdomen before Eve tugged on the Strand again, reeling them both slowly up the tower.

Upon reaching the top, they both clambered up the ledge to find a Wyvern, overgrown with lichen and moss. It let out a shriek before opening fire on them.

Vija; "Get behind me!"

She knelt and shoved her shoulder forward, creating a wall of Stasis, a portion in the middle lowered so Vija could shoot over it. Evelyn took cover behind the right side of the crystalline barrier, thumbing for the safety on her weapon before moving out of cover and firing a shot. When the Wyvern was stunned, Vija lept out of cover and bashed it with her Behemoth fist.

Eve then used Strand to grab onto one of the Stasis crystals, uproot it, and swing it at the Wyvern. The machine fell over, and Vija lept into the air with sword in hand, driving it through the Vexs' radiolaria core. After a moment of sitting there, taking deep breaths, she removed the sword with a grunt, looking to Eve with a gentle smile.

Vija; "Target down."

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