SFW; Eve and a friend

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Evelyn wandered over to sit on a bench near the entrance to the Bazaar, a bag of caramel corn in hand. She watched the people pass, exchange goods, shake hands... But her eyes kept vigilant watch of the entry to the Annex. She ended up through half the bag by the time the sun was beginning to set, a pout forming on her faceplate.

Eve; "... Do you think he's coming?"

Nolan; "Said he would... Just didn't get a time, which is weird."

Eve; "He said the Bazaar, yeah?"

Nolan; "Yeah."

Eve; "Hmph..."

She glanced to the bag of caramel corn and swiftly took another piece out, dropping it almost as soon as she heard a familiar voice speak to her from the direction of the library.

"You saved me some, yeah?"

Were Eve organic, she would've gotten whiplash from how fast she turned around. She bore an open-mouth smile when she laid eyes on the speaker; a Human, male, dressed with a t-shirt and black cargo pants, wearing a fedora with an array of button and enamel pins on it. He pinched the top of his hat with his index and middle finger and thumb, removing his hat and setting it in his lap as he sat beside her.

Eve; "Wow! it's really you! How long has it been?"

The Human chuckled and reached into the bag to get himself a piece of popcorn.

"You talkin' how long I've known you or how long since we met?"

Eve; "Heh... Well, we met almost 10 years ago by this point... But, you didn't really get to know me until a few years ago."

"And you know me just as well, hmm?"

Eve; "If not better! Light, we're so similar, I'm surprised people don't get us confused!"

The Human laughed a little, moving his hat to rest between them.

"Well, kinda hard to get mistaken for you when I don't have purple, metal skin, or a voice like soft linen."

Eve shook her head as she looked away, still grinning ear to ear.

Eve; "And you still have a way with words..."

She let out a sigh and looked up to the sky, her smile fading when she saw the Traveler absent.

"... It's a little scary, yeah?"

Eve nodded gently, leaning to the side and resting her head against the Humans' shoulder.

Eve; "Yeah... I don't know what's gonna happen... You always have the answers, though: what will happen? Will the Traveler come back down? Will the city be ok?"

The Human let out a heavy exhale as he moved his right hand to hold her left, squeezing gently.

"Well, if I told you, then you wouldn't learn anything... This is all about personal growth, you know. You've helped me better understand myself... And, unfortunately, this is how you understand yourself."

Eve; "I mean, yeah... But, you can't tell me anything, hun?"

The Humans' face scrunched as he pondered his next words, eyes slightly squinted.

"... I know, you'll make new friends. You'll have to make hard choices. You'll see things you won't forget... But I'll be right there with you."

Eve turned her eyes to look at the Human, fluttering them a moment as emotion came over her.

Eve; "... As long as you're there, I know I'll be ok."

"I certainly do my best."

She leaned up and kissed the Human on the cheek, coercing a light blush out of him.

Eve; "I know you do. You're like family to me... I'd do the same."

The Human nodded with a gentle smile, looking at her, fluttering his own eyes as he started to well up. They both looked to the sunset, watching the star dip below the horizon over the course of hours. By the time the moon began looming overhead, the Human turned and gave Eve a kiss on the head.

"I should be going... They'll be wondering where I went."

Eve spoke with a hushed voice, melancholy filling her tone.

Eve; "Will you try to visit more often?"

The Human picked up his hat the same way he took it off and placed it on his head before standing.

"No promises... But I'll try... Thank you... For being there for me."

He took one last piece of popcorn before rounding the corner. Eve stared at the corner, whispering to herself as she set down the bag beside her.

Eve; "No problem... Jake."

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