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"If I hadn't written that book about your mother, none of this would have happened" Kai looked at the mirror and seen the guilty look on Gale's face and how she was kicking herself for all this. "I started all this" Sidney shook her head "No, you didn't. Billy Loomis started all this and we are going to end it. After tonight, no more books, no more movies, no more fucking Ghostface".

"I'd just like to add my dickhead father to that too" Gale looked at the mirror at the boy then at Sidney "I like him" a goofy grin made its way onto Kai's face. "So...Sam. You got a crush on her or something?" Kai looked down at his fingers "since I was 17" he sighed "but then she just left and when she comes back she has a dick brain boyfriend" Gale and Sidney shared a look of sympathy for the boy.

"but hey at least I got to kiss the girl I've been in love with. That's every boy's dream" Gale and Sidney had been through to much to not believe that he was okay but they kept their mouths shut for now.


"They stopped"

"What where?" Kai asked leaning forward in the seat "Gas station?" Sidney shook her head "No. Oh, shit" Sidney cursed "What?" Gale and Kai asked in unison. Sidney showed Gale the phone which resulted in her cursing too and asking how far they were from the location. "too far".

"where are they are?" Sidney looked at Gale and nodded "they are at Stu Macher's house" Kai whipped out his phone already dialing Sam's number "what are you doing?" Gale looked back over shoulder at the Anderson boy. "I'm calling her" just then Sam answered.


"Sam get out of that house now, you're in my dad's house. You're in Stu Macher's house" His words were quick but understandable. "How do you know where I am?" Sam asked but Kai groaned giving it not the time to tell her they put a tracker on her car "Fucking hell Sam just get out of there, someone planned to bring you there. That's where Billy and Stu killed everyone. Get the fuck out now!" he yelled over the phone.

There was a crash a few seconds later which made Kai worry "Sam? Sam?!" The call hung up which made Kai curse as he ran his hand through his hair "We need to get there quick. I don't care if we go over the speed limit, life's are on the line here and its very thin"


They finally arrived and got out from the car. Sidney went to back and opened up and box that held two guns that she took for herself and Gale. "really? I don't get a gun" Sidney giving Gale a knowing look and threw the boy the gun who actually struggled to get a proper hold on the gun as it bounced in his hands.

Gale walked over and took the gun "yeah, no" she three the gun to Sidney who caught it with one hand "okay" was all Kai said before they started walking up the pavement.

KILLERS GAME || SAM CARPENTERWhere stories live. Discover now