Part 1

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"PUT UR HANDS UP" screamed the officer all I could think was not again how do I always get caught doing petty crimes.

"Athena why were you graffitiing trains again" said officer Jerald

"You see Jerald I just missed you soo much, I just hade to come see you again." *eye roll*

Jerald just looked at me like I'm crazy, witch he's not wrong
then said "right Athena you know I'm going to have to phone your mother. again she's not going to be very happy it's the third time this week you've been here."

O shit no no no this isn't good, my mother is going to have a field day now why Athena ,why did you have to get caught again .

(Right I know this part is short but if you have any suggestions for this book let me know.)

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