Brace yourself for a quick view into my mental clutter.

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the evening walks

sunset talks

the rushing hour,

 mistaken laughs

 on the nightly run

but no escape.

in a circle

my life comes back

at me


for me.

the sunset-sunrise,

the laughs and cries,

the talks and the shouts

all faded in present

as if already in past

living in nostalgia 

of present itself

 in mind, in a loop.


when I said forever looking at that sunset,

I hope it didn't mean everything.

Welcome to the desi eldest daughter's mind taking upon the world as if it's just a piece of cake. Or is it compared to the generational trauma, fighting the thoughts of you and your loved ones and the happy being in woman, just as the woman in her own skin, not the 'not like the other girls' syndrome' but like 'just like other girls trying to figure the mess of a life we grew up in'?

               Welcome to the chaos of the life of teens trying to fight off the demons like exams in dreams and in reality their siblings.


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