something I wrote to be appreciated for

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Wrote this days ago, but found it again while sitting at the same place where I wrote the very first page, it suits the mood and life again regardless of the time it was written for. Now it feels the same or worse no idea but at least it is ending at some point.

to some weird inner feeling, that is making going on and yet feel left out in life and burnt in my mind- it is for you.

Some days I just need to be

"a human before I do some art."

Breathe, survive and live.

To take a step back & have a summer strike.

But i can't, the world of mine that pushes me, either away to future or down with my shoulders

Still I slug my way 

Not trying to run ahead or away from the world.

But just be here, breathing without panic, head without pain and eyes without rain

with the wind, cloud and setting sun and rising moon

with the water 

nobody to run, nobody to shatter

being a still life,

still alive,

 a still moving in peace.


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