The Beginning

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Ben was walking back to his hotel after a conference in which he destroyed those LIBTARDS when he noticed a piece of paper on the ground. In fact, there were lots of papers on the ground. It seemed as though a protest had just taken place. He picked one of them up and read it aloud, "IF YOU EAT ANIMAL CORPSES YOURE GONNA BURN HELL!!! EAT TOFU." He almost threw the paper away until some tiny text caught his eye. "Brought to you by Miss Kadie Karen". The name sounded so familiar to Ben but he couldn't remember where from. He tucked it into the pocket of his daily wire branded tuxedo jacket and continued walking. He eventually reached his hotel room and put all of his stuff on his bed. He laid down and fell asleep instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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