A Failed Pick Up Line Wizards X Captainsparklez

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It was a fairly normal day besides the fact I had, kidnapped a striper, got a Wizards tower and now whatever else will happen today. I was hanging with the wizards I had a crush on all of them for a while, but it would be impossible for all of them to like me back.(maybe in the stupid real world but jardon you're forgetting something! This is a fan fiction so you love who ever I say you love! I just imagine the "we love our job" sign sonja made.)
  They started to make weird lights and partial effects. They were perfect I wish they liked me. I could always try flirting.
"do guys own a night club? Because you guys are so amazing it would make a great show."i was referring to the partical effects, but I don't think that I was clear.
  " Sparklez! Are you hitting on us. "
" Are you suggesting that we strip"
   "was that a Failed Pick Up Line?"
These comments were made by Tom, phil, and Matthew. Wag was silent.
   "I was saying that you would make a good light show because of your partical effects."I replied defensive.
     Then I received a private message
" Are you sure because we liked our suggestions better. " ~wag
" We wouldn't mind stripping"~all Wizards.
  I didn't know it was possible to have a group private message.
" Wait what is going on? " I asked so confused.
  " His innocent mind can not handle what we are suggesting." said Phil.
  "meet us at you're tower."~waglington.
   I began to head towards the fortress of fury. I was confused, but intrigued. Did they like me? I decided this must be one of two things . A misunderstanding or a prank. When I got to the tower they were all waiting for me.
"ummm hello." I said nervously blushing
  "You're cute when you're blushing." said Tom.
"what?" I said shocked.
"boys he still doesn't get it" said wag.
  "you're cute but slow to catch on" said Matthew.
  "Do we have to spell it out for you. We. Like. You. And. We. Would like to bang you." said waglington.
   "oh" I said in a small voice blushing bright red and looking down to hide it from them.
"uhh" now they were nervous.
    "I don't thinks he likes us in that way." I heard a wizard say.
"I'll ask him."said another Wizard. 
  " sparklez you want to f**k"said Tom.
   "I'll take that as a no." he said when I didn't respond. But I was over taken by Joy. They like me And they want to bang me. Omg. I snapped back to reality when they spoke again. (snap back to reality, opp there goes gravity. Opp there goes rabbit he-no okay)  
  "we will just leave then." said  phil.
      I replied in a sad tone
"awwww but I thought we were going to bang. And u was looking forward to hearing you guys moan to." I smirked.
    "they all were facing the door and turned around with shocked faces."
they ran up and tackled me to the ground kissing my entire body. I giggled and they asked the dreaded questions.
  "who did you like first, why, and how long have you known you liked us? "
  " honestly I like you all just today."they got sad look on their faces.
"we weren't appealing before we offered to bang you." Tom said.
    "I'm sorry I can't go through with this, I liked you before as well." I said not wanting to see them sad.
   There faces lit up and I laughed.

"Answer the question honestly,  you butt" said wag.
    "we need to know who you liked first so we can beat them up." said Matthew.
       "First don't beat him up and secondly he already knows."i said,they all looked confused and then looked at each other trying to find the culprit. It was pretty easy since he was blushing.
  " YOU LIKED  WAG FIRST, THE NERDIEST OUT OF ALL OF US."They screamed in unison.
     I blushed" yeah".
       "wait how did he know!"phil said.
          " ummm that is private."                  
       "we will tickle you sparklez." said Matthew.
          " Oh I'm so scared." I said sarcastically.
           They tickled me and I was laughing and through my laughter I managed to surrender.
            "okay" I said  catching my breath. "well we kinda um - hadamakeoutsession" I said as quickly as possible.
               "You what! "
             " yeah ummm I-"I was thrown on my bed by the wizards.
   "You're going to pay for that" said Tom.
        And let's just say that right after that I had the best day of my life but the day after was the worst.
Thanks for reading sorry about the crappie ending. This was inspired by episode 79 captainsparklez POV. So ummm I need request we are not limited to mianite people you can do any ship from anything and I will take the request unless I am unfamiliar with the orgin the ship comes from. So this is what you do to request.
      " Ship name.(people in the ship)-orgin of ship"
     Ex:  "diasparklez (dianite x captainsparklez)-mianite."
You don't have to do "() and -" just put periods if you are lazy or slashes, just separate it some how.
Peace out.

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