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'omo, this woman is so sweet arghh', Jack said.

Jack was 15 years old teenager and never being in any relationship throughout his life despite he was a what-people-said is a good looking man with a sweet smile and pretty eyes. But he always been in front of the screen everyday to play games and scrolling social media. And that's when he start a relay with this one young woman from Facebook called Lindsey.

He start crushing on Lindsey after they been chatting for 3 month. Lindsey was very caring and give many attention and affection towards Jack. There's no one who would trust anyone in virtual world quite easily but not for Jack since his family always busy with work and had no time for him.

With all the comfort Jack receive from Lindsey, Jack had been falling deeper and deeper towards her. Until one month that Lindsey was suddenly disappeared and stopped chatting.

Jack text him everyday and keep texting despite he start to give up.

'Lindsey, where were you?'

'Lindsey, are u okay ?'

'Lindsey, u can talk to me if you've got any problem.'

'Lindsey, i'm gonna being honest that i really fr miss you right now.'

'Lindsey, i like you, i love you, don't make me search for your location and come to your house, girl.'


Next month

'Jack, i'm sorry for gone missing. My dad found out about you and he was really mad for me being in a relationship. He takes away all my gadget and underground me for a month. I felt really depressed and really sorry for not try to contacting you. Jack, i also lovee you very much. I can't keep texting you secretly because i think my dad will be check on my gadget again.'

Jack was so sorry about it and comfort Lindsey. Jack want to call her but she doesn't want the situation goes worst.

That night

'Jack, can u give me your address or any places that we can meet? I wanna meet you badly.'

With no second thought, Jack give the address of this one cyber cafe near his school. They promised to meet tomorrow at 10pm.

Jack come with his best suit while waiting for her. But what suprised him was the people that comes is a middle aged man who just pulled Jack into his car.

Jack was struggling and fighting to escape. But that was until the middle aged man inject something to Jack's body.


'Hey jack, wake up sweetie!'

'I love you too, jack. For your information, my name is Holdy and i've been attracted to you since we started chatting. Oh, i used lindsey as my nickname.'

Jack was speechless but there were nothing he can do with his both arms and legs being tied up to the bed.

Without warning, Holdy come near to Jack and started open his cloth. Jack struggled to fight Holdy, but Holdy was too much strong for him to fight. Holdy managed to make Jack silenced when he put a tape on Jack's mouth.

Holdy with his eyes full of excitement, started to lick Jack's feet until his thigh. He felt hornier and start blowjob with full of aggresiveness. ------end-----

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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