Chapter 3 (part1) Date<3

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After school Alex went to the place were Miri and him would meet he didn't knew what to do on a date and was a bit nervous, hopefully everything will go just as he want it to go. He hope's he doesn't mess something up. He was 10 minutes to early but he was fine he can wait a hour just to see Miri's face.

There she ,was Miri was a short distance away from me

And there she was running towards him and screaming

"Alex! Was I late?!,I hope not im sorry I let you wait!"

She was Pulling him by the arm,"I was really excited when I heard there was a new Coffee shop,I wanted to go there with you as a date"

Wait what now Alex was confuse wai- WHAT?!?!-

"You know I liked you from the beginning, so , how about we date.." Miri said with a smile while giggling a little bit.

Wait a minute Isn't this going to fast I mean I basically just meet her one day ISN'T THIS A LITTLE TO FAST?!? alex thought to himself.

Alex said"how about we start slow and.. try it out?" Alex didn't knew what to say he was just confused as hell.

Miri nodded"Actually, my friend already tried out the new menu In the Café a few days ago, I kind of want you and me to go there together wouldn't it be fun?" Alex nodded shyly

"Ready?,Let's go!"

Miri and Alex were going to the Café , not really going more like running to the café. when they arrived at the cafe there were a lot of people.
"What should we do?"Miri said

"Hmm, for now let's wait in the queue. If there are any available seats, we can sit there. But if not, we can go to one of those benches outside."
Alex said with a thoughtful smile.

They waited a few minutes to there suprise it didn't take to long and they were having a really fun time talking.When it was time for them to order, Miri immediately ordered the new menu's special Vanilla strawberries desserts, but the male worker said that the new dessert was no longer available and sold out.

Shocked , sad and heartbroken, Miri turned to Alex.
"What should we do? They're all gone..."Miri said
"Let's order the drinks for now, Miri. Do you want coffee like last time?"
Miri weakly nodded."Then I'll have the same."He said to the female worker.
"As for desserts, what do you recommend?""We recommend the cakes that are with chocolate,matcha,mango and strawberries"
"I see, what about..."

The café was pretty lively, Alex was talking to the worker, but Miri couldn't make out a word what they were saying her mind was elsewhere she really, really wanted him to try the special dessert from the new menu with her. They were limited editions, selling for only a week.

Although she had that indifferent face and attitude of this,whenever it came to new things, she could tell he was open-minded,I wouldn't mind running here alone tomorrow and getting them.maybe..then we can eat them together but-


"Eh?"Miri glanced up and saw him looking at her.

"Are you okay?"Alex said worried

"yeah, I'm fine!"Miri said trying to not make it a big deal

"The worker said the cafe recommends the cheesecake with blueberry's , or some cookies . Their price ranges are all pretty cheap, so I'm not sure what we should get."Said Alex, Miri didn't knew why but it seemed like Alex was hiding something.

"But they're not your taste isn't it like that? Are you sure you're okay with any of them?"Miri asked with a bit of doubt.

"I'm okay with them. What about you?"Alex said
Then Miri said "Me? The dessert's for you, though."
"For me?"
"Yea!!" Miri said and blushed "I wanted us to habe a great time"

He sounded quite surprised, but his face didn't move a centimeter.
"Yeah. Well, actually, I already tried most of the desserts in the new menu with my friends earlier this week. This time, I wanted us to try them, or, well, only you trying them works out fine, too. But... I guess we can't do that today."
"Um, I'm very sorry, but the students behind you two have been waiting for a while... If you can, please decide soon." The waitress interrupted

The female worker bowed her head anxiously.
"We're sorry. We'll decide as soon as possible."
Miri politely apologized to the worker and seemed to think through her words.

"For me, huh... If you want my input, I'll go with the blueberry cheesecake with peanut's ."
"The cheesecake? But, that's the basic choice of all choices. You sure you want
it?"Miri asked

I couldn't believe he chose it over the other cakes. I mean, don't get me wrong, shortcakes are really good and popular, too. But for him to choose that is, well, I guess, surprising and at the same time kinda like him.
"I haven't tried it, so it works out perfectly fine.""You haven't tried it...?!"
"Yeah. Is something wrong?""No everything is alright" Miri said smiling

"We'll have the cheesecake and two cafe special . All of them to-go, please."
Alex said to the worker.

"Understood. Thank you for coming."When we got our receipt and order number, we waited at the side and the next set of people behind us moved up. They seemed to ask for the same thing we did earlier, but the female worker once again bowed her head and recommended something else. Later, one of her co-workers pressed a sticker that read 'Sold Out' over the menu board. Some people grumbled in the queue, but most didn't mind.

When our order came, we picked up the cake and drinks and moved to an available table. Thankfully, we were able to find a seat in this busy cafe. We didn't have to to-go, after all.Carefully opening the cake box, a simple shortcake appeared before my eyes. Now that I looked at it closely, it looked pretty cute. Delicious even, too."It's too bad we couldn't get the special desserts, but I guess this is fine, too.""Yeah."

Handing him a fork, she patiently waited for him to take the first bite from his slice. But he looked at it for a moment, seemed to think about something, and then asked Miri a question.

"Is there something on my face?""No, there's nothing. I'm just looking~""Is that so? You should eat yours, too.""Yeah, yeah. I will."

She slowly got her fork ready and then pretended to drink her coffee, which she ended up doing for real, while shooting furtive glances at Alex.
Since it was his first time trying out the shortcake, she was really curious how he thought about it, so she ended up neglecting her own. He seemed to take his time getting his fork ready, too, and then he took his first bite from his slice.
He quietly chewed with his eyes on the cake. He then took another bite, quietly chewed again, swallowed, and looked at me. This all happened for a minute or two, but somehow it felt incredibly long.

"Not bad.""Y-Yeah? Huh?""You wanted my opinion, right? Whether I liked the cake or not. I think it tastes pretty great."Alright?"she asked rather dumbfoundedly."Yeah."

"...It tastes like cake in a great combination Personally, I think desserts or sweets on the simple side have a more agreeable taste. I wouldn't mind trying it again if we get the chance." Alex said.

"I-Is that so? Well, if you think it tastes agreeable, then surely you must like it."
I tried my best to stop smiling and went for another sip from my coffee and took a bite for myself. The taste of coffee and milk were already spreading in my mouth, but when I took a bite from my slice, I felt my mood lighten up.

Ehh~ so he likes simple things, huh~?I'm happy just knowing he likes it.

"You should eat more, Alex~"
"You sure sound happy,,Miri"
"Do I~? I guess I am~"Miri said happily

Giggling to herself,she smiled while eating her cake.After eating and chatting in the cafe for a while, it was time for them to go back. They got there suff and walked back to there homes.It was around 8:00 pm, but she didn't want them to separate yet. she used an excuse to stay longer with him. He immediately agreed, but that made her wonder if maybe she shouldn't have brought up the excuse if he was going to let her stay with him.

Right now they were just walking around with out really knowing what to do

I said while stretching my arm's , this entire day was kind of off something about Alex was off she didn't knew what it was thats why she stopped she didn't knew if she should say it or leave it be,but she decided to just stay quiet and hugging him saying him good bye and left

It felt like she entrusted, her whole being and self.Into that hug

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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