New Lessons

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Mission Force One were all doing great, they were having fun on the Zenith. But Miles on the other hand was not doing so great.

Miles was trying to relax and take a nap. He did fall asleep for his nap but a terrible nightmare of being sucked into a black hole woke him up in cold sweat. He felt his heart beat faster and it becoming harder to breathe. Eventually, he calmed down after a few deep breaths, but he was still shaken up by what happened. He never experienced a panic attack before, it was new and he was on edge that it might happen again when he gets scared.

Later in the day, they headed to the mission center. They didn't know why they were there, but, it was obvious important if the admirals wanted them there immediately.
It was very busy at the mission center as per usually and they headed to a part of the center where they saw someone.

The strange someone was tall and a bit buff, his hair was jet black and was tied up into a small ponytail. He had one blue and one green eye. His name tag said his name was Geo Glyder. Dark red pants, a yellow sweater over a white shirt.

"Hello Mission Force One, nice to meet you all." Geo waved hello to all of them.

The admirals came in and said that he was going to be teaching them a few things about mental health. The others though that there mental states at their age was fine while Miles started to sweat. He didn't want to know what happened to him after his nap, he'd much rather forget that it even happened.

Geo could tell that the kids thought that they didn't need this, "I know you all think your mental states are completely fine, but, that's what's in your head and not in your heart."

The admirals left Geo with Mission Force One and they all started to talk. Everyone sat in a circle on the floor. They talked about what made them happy, mad, excited, then what was the scariest thing that happened to them and how that made them feel.

It was hard at first but they all felt good to talk about it and not have anything bottled up inside them. All except Miles talked, he was staring into oblivion till Huruna snapped him out.

"Miles, it's your turn." Haruna nudged his friend to talk.

"Huh? Oh, I zoned out. Sorry.." His  voice sounded like he was lost in his thoughts.

Geo could sense that something was bothering Miles, "so, what was the scariest thing that happened to you? How'd it make you feel?"

It was like Miles didn't even hear Geo talk to him, he zoned out again. This was out of character for him and this made his team worry.

"Alright." Geo got up and walked over to Miles, "I say that today was a good day that most of you expressed yourselves."

Loretta asked, "so, what do we do now?" 

"You guys can take a break and I want you guys to come back in two hours then tell me what was the best and worst thing that happened in those two hours." Geo stated, this was his way of seeing how positive the team was in seeing negatives and positives.

Geo held Miles back as the others left the room.

"Miles, by the way everyone reacted to you zoning out tells me that something is wrong. Did anything happen that you don't know how to talk about?"

Geo could tell that Miles didn't know about something that happened that didn't make sense to him. It took Miles a minute to actually talk about what happened.

Miles took a deep breath before talking, his eyes fixated on the ground, "I had a nightmare before coming here, and when I woke up it was like I couldn't breathe and my heart wouldn't stop beating."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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