CT-9906 Report

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Number: CT-9906

·        CT-9906 is the youngest of our genetic clones along with CT-9902, CT-9903, CT-9904,  CT-9905, and Omega.

·        CT-9906 is a genetically enhanced clone, he was created with enhanced healing and regenerative abilities

·        CT-9906 has inherited almost all of Janga Fett’s recessive gene’s, His hair and eyes are similar to gold.

·        CT-9906 has been told explicitly that he is to not interact with the other genetically enhanced clones in order to prevent Fraternal bonding.

·        CT-9906 has been tasked in taking care of Omega and loading ships with supplies.

·        CT-9906 was a mistake, yet he proves that he can be useful

·        CT-9906 Was visited by a non-Jedi Commander of the republic, She seemed to get along quite well with CT-9906

·        CT-9906 was found with information regarding the enhibitor chips and other parts of the Brain, it is speculated that he was doing research on Nuro-surgery, It is implied that he is teaching himself how to be a medic in order to become more useful.

·        CT-9906 Was involved in an accident regarding a medical droid, CT-9906 has been moved back to his and Omega’s shared room.

·        CT-9906 has had on interaction with Clone force 99, specifically CT-9903, also known as “Tech” The ended up reading and discussing a book known as “Greek Mythology”      CT-9906 Has chosen “Icarus” as his name

·        CT-9906 Has recently been sent to Naboo to complete his medical training, he’s been sent to the best medical school within the galaxy and attends on a full scholarship that he obtained due to his rigorous studying.

·        Omega has been curious as of late, she has managed to come into contact with clone force 99, this must be due to the fact that CT-9906 “Icarus” was her primary caretaker/handler.

·        It appears the CT-9904, “Tech” Has figured out that CT-9906, “Icarus” Is his “Brother”

·        CT-9906 was a mistake, he has recently graduated at the top of his class, he was also in an honors program, he’s the best medical student to have evert graduated, he was recently asked by Commander River herself to join the 32nd legion.

·        CT-9906 is nothing more than an a abomination, we should’ve decommissioned him before he could leave the tank, we could’ve written it off as though their were too many anomalies in his genetics due to the genetic enhancements.

·        CT-9906 recently returned. He was seen conversing with Commander River before he was dismissed, he was later seen having quite the engaging conversation with Clone Force 99, what the conversation was about is still unknown.

·        Lord Sidious has made it clear that both Commander River and Ct-9906 are to terminated effective immediately.

·         The clones have been silently revolting, Clone Force 99, CT-9906, and Commander River seem to be the ones behind this.

·        Commander River left Kamino with CT-9906 and Clone Force 99.

·        Omega has gone missing; it is speculated that CT-9906 took her with him when they left.

·        CT-9906  Has been off lined, earlier CT-9906’s enhibitor chip was shut down permanently, we assume he either got shot in the head, experienced brain death, or his head was blown up.

·        After CT-9906’s enhibitor chip went offline, many other enhibitor chips have started to go offline, it is speculated that whatever fight they are taking part in will end in a genocide.

·        Commander River has opened an investigation on Chancellor Palpatine, this will not end well.

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