Too myself

22 1 0

The next morning

My thoughts running all over my mind All I could think about is what happened last night in the astronomy tower with Draco why was he so mad or angry about what happened or what was he feeling to react that way, thinking as I laid in bed not wanting to talk to anyone today but to be alone Bethany and Millie were still sleeping

I decided too get up and clean the room since it was a total disaster after the two nights before makeup clothes and homework all over the place I quickly clean as I got to finish cleaning I grabbed a matching pair of sweats and a cropped sweatshirt to wear to classes today I decided to jump in the shower setting the water temperature to highly hot feeling the room fill up with the steam looking in the mirror the love bites Draco left me from the party still there and dark I jumped in the shower letting the hot water hit my body

I grabbed my favorite scent warm vanilla to wash my body and following the conditioner and shampoo with the same scent, it felt nice spending time alone in the shower it's what I miss most about being home as I quickly washed my hair out stepping out the shower grabbing my towel to dry I hear a knock at the door

"Who is it" y/n asked

"It's Millie can I come in to brush my teeth" Millie replied

"Of course" y/n said

As I opened the door for Millie to come in I quickly got dressed combing out my hair putting my jewelry back on by the time I was done doing that Millie had left I began to brush my teeth and spraying a warm vanilla body mist on feeling refreshed and clean, I clean my mess up and walk out of the bathroom both Bethany and Millie were now awake and dressed ready for our classes we grabbed our bags heading out of the dormitory and to the great hall

All three of the boys were already there sitting down eating breakfast it was a quiet morning just little small talk around the great hall , didn't seem like anyone was in the mood to start classes again I took my seat infront of Blaise on the side of him was Draco and Adrian, Millie sat in front of adrian and Bethany infront of Blaise neither of us really talked to each other that morning which was odd I thought to myself

I wasn't really hungry this morning I just got a cup of strawberries and it filled me right up I grabbed my bag stepped out of the table and headed out the great hall to go to the library for alone time and to catch up on my potions class since that was the only classes I needed to be at today I'm oddly ahead of classes and beyond on track no one said a word to me as I left Draco looked up glanced at me then continued looking at his empty plate in-front of him

He almost looked ill this morning I thought to myself I reached the the doors to the library I walked in with my head high and being offly confident of myself although it was just the library I thought I couldn't let the thought of something being wrong with Draco mess my mood up I finally feeling better from this morning I didn't have to head to potions till 2:30pm and it was barely 11am on the dot I had time to read some of my favorite books and catch up on potions

It felt nice being alone and hearing the quiet no one was ever in the library really unless it was students to sneak around with certain people they shouldn't be around which wasn't any of my business I always felt safe in the library although I was myself when around Millie and Bethany I can feel someone staring at me from a far a soft stare like they were admiring what they were looking at I look over and it's Harry Potter

I look over and give him a friendly smile his cheeks turn red and he turns away fast I let out a small giggle I look over and he was no where to be found which was weird I began reading * two lovers in fair Verona* flipping through the pages enjoy the book and the quiet time felt like it was going by so slow I've been there for an hour now I placed my book in my bag, got out of my seat walked over to where the class book were at grabbed the potions book I open the cover of the book in fine handing writing "this book belongs to the half blood prince" I stood and paused

The handwriting looked too familiar just couldn't put my thoughts together to realize who it belonged to I took the book and sat where I was before thwn began reading it it had writing all over the books on the heading and sidelines everywhere now how each potion was made specific instructions I began studying the book and by the time I noticed the bell rang it was now 2:15pm I put the book into my bag and heading to potions minding my business

I can feel people staring at me I didn't wanna look over and cause attention I wasn't looking my best today just wanted to get the day over with it felt good to be alone as I made my way through the corridors I reached the dungeons where potion class was I walked in and everyone was standing

Authors POV
Everyone will have an assigned partner you will not pick I will place you with whomever I choose said snape

Slytherins and griffyndor share a potion class

"This should be fun" said Blaise
"Mm" Draco replied in a snobby attitude

Y/n was behind the class minding her business not near her friends which was odd

"Blaise and Ginny"
"Ron and Millie "
"Hermione and Adrian"
"Katie and Draco"
"Y/n and cormac"
"Harry and Pansy"
So on and so on
Get with your pair and I will begin the lesson snape yelled

"This is bullshit" Draco scoffed under his breath

"Ya ya you'll be fine malfoy I'm not complaining" said Blaise with a smirk

"If he dares to touch y/n I will take his eyes out with my wand" Draco said in a attitude

Y/n heard from across the room and smirked a bit then quick whipped it off and headed to cormac

This lesson you and your pair will be making liquid luck

Snape tells the class the ingredients and everyone quickly gets up and gets what is needed

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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