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Crap-!! Marcy said as she was running down the streets rushing to her class she was already late to
How could I have slept in!! With her luck already being bad she tripped on the concrete that was uneven and fell falling face floor to the ground .

Come on marcy no time for falling! In a few minutes finally she made it to class and hurried to sit down in her seat.

"Now class you're gonna have an assignment to take pictures that mean something to you then submit it by Thursday"

Marcy paid attention to what the teacher was saying but also couldn't help but daydream about the place she really wanted to be in the flower shop that was near campus. Not because of the flowers although they were pretty but more so for a particular worker. Sasha.

"And that about it wraps class remember your project is due Thursday!"

Marcy quickly got up to leave and got on a bus heading to the shop super excited yet a bit nervous because what if she wasn't there? Maybe she felt sick and couldn't go. Maybe she found out marcy was always going and found it strange and quit!

After getting to her stop she quickly got off and headed to the shop and there she was. Sasha helping out a customer, Marcy stood outside for a bit looking inside and then at sasha when they made eye contact and Marcy fluttered quickly went inside pretending to look at the different flowers.

"Hey you! You always come around here and look around but never get anything! Need helping picking something?" The blonde asked and went to Marcy giving her a smile.

Oh uh-! No-! I'm just-! Pretty-!! I mean- er- yes!! Help!

The blonde gave her a funny look then chuckled and looked around and got some daisy seeds going back to marcy giving them to her.

"Here you go! Daisy seeds! They would look pretty if you planted them! And I feel like they'd match you."

What did she mean by "match you"? Marcy thought to herself and looked at the daisy seeds and took them and her hand brushed against Sasha's, her hand was cold.

Thanks..! How much are they?

"Three dollars! Tell me when they grow!"  Sasha smiled and took the money then gave Marcy her change.

Marcy smiles then left her face red from being both nervous and flustered

She wants me to come back when the flowers grow!!

Marcy thought her face growing warmer and she looked at the daisy seed bag and smiled more holding it close and quickly went to her apart to plant them.

"I never thought you'd be the gardening type!" Marcys roommate anne said as she helped marcy plant the seeds.

Anne had more experience with plants and crops apparently her some of her family members are framers-!

Yeah but uh- new hobby? Marcy said as she planted the last seed and looked at it and smiled.

"Alright then you know the rest water them everyday not too much water or too little and keep checking up on them!"

Aye aye caption! Marcy said and saluted and Anne laughed and went to her room to finish some work.

Marcy meet anne as a freshmen in college when they both were lost and were trying to figure out their schedule later on they found out they were dorm roommates and from there their friendship started.

Anne found some apartments that were near the campus and wanted to stay there instead and Anne worked at her parents restaurant to be able to get the money to move in there with Marcy.

Marcy didn't have much to do and with her project not due till Thursday she thought she could chill for a bit then go to sleep.

After a few hours of drawing and watching tv she got tried and got ready for bed being happy about planting the daisys and more happy to go and see sasha the next day again..

Fun fact: daisys mean: new beginnings, joy and cheerful and symbolizes innocence and purity

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