──☆*:・゚ 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Only the sounds of waves crashing against the shore could be heard from the ears of sienna clearwater. There she floated above the water in a starfish position , with eyes closed and mind racing. This would be the only small piece she got to experience for the day , for the reaping of the 69th hunger games would commence in a few short hours. As the sun beamed down on her freckled face , Sienna's mind filled with many thoughts ; what if my name was drawn ? Would I be strong enough ? Would someone volunteer to take my place? Her thinking was cut short by the sounds of her neighbors voice , "Mrs. Clearwater you ought to be home getting ready. I don't think Mira would appreciate you smelling like sea." With an aggravated puff of air, Sienna slowly made her way back to the sandy land , wishing she could spend some more time in the ocean.

Sienna carefully opened the door , but her efforts proved useless with her mother standing sternly in the doorway. "Really you couldn't stay away from the water for one day. You know what I don't want to hear, let's get you cleaned up." Her mother took her hand into her own and led down the hallway to the bathroom. As Sienna sunk into the tub her mother scrubbed her scalp , wishing to remove the salty scent. "Now I don't want you to worry at all. You're 16 now and all your teachers say you're one of the strongest they've seen. No matter what happens I have faith you can go far." Mira whispered into her daughter's ear. Sienna was shivering now , from the fear or cold she couldn't tell but goosebumps had made the way on her arms and chest. "But...but I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to be turned into some sort of war puppet for the games. I'm needed here , you and Dad need me , Percy needs me." She choked out , tears pooling in her eyes ready to fall any second. With nothing to say Mira gave her a firm hug , not caring about the new dampness of her shirt.

Looking in the mirror , Sienna slipped on the white linen dress, careful not to mess up the hair her mother worked on. "You look pretty" her little brother Percy peeped out from his place in the doorway. "Aww thank you fishy. Don't you think it's time for you to be getting ready?" Sienna responded while picking up the boy. Shaking his head the boy refused , rather going outside to play than to watch the reaping. "Don't think you're getting outta a bath too Percy" A tall man spoke , taking his son from the arms of sienna and taking him into the bathroom. Now finally alone Sienna stood in a daze, conflicted , scared of the events soon to take place. No amount of physical training could make her feel more secure. Taking a look at the trident in the corner of her room , she picked it up seeing how it balanced in one of her palms.

"It's time to go dear , we don't want to be late " Her father spoke , a pensive look gracing his features. Quietly the family of four walked through the streets of district 4 to the district hall. Sienna held her brother's hand in hers , slightly swinging their arms for entertainment. "At least he dosnt have a chance of being reaped," she thought .While she was giving her hugs to her family, she saw her combat teacher over her fathers soldier. " Ah Sienna Clearwater , I think I speak for all of district 4 , if you're the one in the arena I think we might have a winner. '' Her teacher spoke , a small smile plastered on his face. Her mother and father thanked him for his words , while Sienna stood there quietly looking at her sandals. She did not have any thanks to give , she never could understand how her teacher and her district as a whole could condone such violence and even go as far to see it as honorable. After only a short conversation with her combat teacher , Sienna was guided with her family to the edge of the registration center. No words were spoken now, just a faint kiss on the top of her head and a back rub.

The line for registration felt like a break in time, for whenever Sienna would look down at her shoes the line would not move at all, but when she would look at the other teenagers around her the line would move impossibly quick. The smell of fear racked the line, not one person being immune to the anxiety of the reaping. The shuffle of feet behind her and the monotone voice of the peacekeeper calling next woke her from out of her gaze. Giving her pointer finger, a small prick was made and minimal pain could be felt as she stamped her finger.

Sienna could barely see anything over the sea of heads, all bobbing with chatter or shaking with fear. The rich aqua curtains hanging from the stage with the district 4 crest were the only thing she stared at for what felt like forever. Suddenly a flash of red hair decorated with spikes appeared on the stage, the capitol representative with some abstract name welcomed everyone to the reaping of the 69th hunger games, like it was some celebration. The same capital video played as it did every year, with snow's voice sounding more like the grim reaper to sienna. After the presentation the capitol representative squealed, expressing her love for the video. Now the time had come, the time Sienna dreaded so much was finally happening. It felt like she was underwater and not in a good way, in the way when seaweed would latch onto her leg and stop her from reaching the surface for air. Her daydreaming was pulled aside when the small white piece of paper was unraveled by the capitol representative, there a name was spoken. "Klara Kelp!" Sienna breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, so thankful it was not her name drawn. Her relief was short-lived when she remembered just who Klara was, a 12-year-old from her combat classes and one of the kindest people she had ever met. She wasn't strong and agile nor held much wit, she constantly seemed anxiety-ridden and showed no desire to be a tribute.

Without much thought to her next actions Sienna yelled "I volunteer as tribute!" All eyes were on her, breathing labored as peacekeepers led her to the stage. There she saw the previous district 4 victors, locking eyes with the deep aqua of one of them. Quickly after the male tribute was announced, Sienna was far too deep in her own world to listen to the name, only sensing a tall figure now standing beside her. The capitol representative ushered them to shake hands and only then did she notice the boy to be Caspian Giller, a talented boy with a thirst to prove himself. " Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to present to you the district 4 tributes for the 68th hunger games!" The representative boomed. All figures made their way into the district hall, both tributes being brought to a separate room to say goodbye to their family.

As she sat in the room Sienna glanced at the posters adorning the wall, all expressing love and pride for pannem. With a small click the door opened and her family walked in, Sienna didn't even have time to comprehend this before she was embraced in a bone-crushing hug by her mother. "I...I thought you didn't want to go, I thought you hated the games. Why? Why did you volunteer?" she frantically asked. "I-i don't know , it's just Klara is helpless she wouldn't survive an hour in the arena. Everyone has said I have a real chance in the games so don't worry I will be fine." Sienna stampede. She noticed behind the big leg of her father her little brother Percy stood with red, puffy eyes. "Hey fishy" she whispered, picking him up and pulling him into a hug. "I don't want you to leave. Please don't go. Tell them you take it back, that you will stay." Overwhelming sadness cored through sienna, but she knew she must stay strong for herself and for her family. "Oh common fishy we know I can't do that. Have some faith in me, I promise I'll try as best I can to make it back." The time she spent with her family couldn't be enough for it to end, so the peacekeepers opened the door and asked the family to leave. Before her mother left her she made sure to remind Sienna of her love and how proud she was.

Afterward the capitol representative who she now learned went by the name of Neve, along with the presents of a few peacekeepers came to collect her. "We will be on the train shortly! There you will meet Finnick, get situated and we will all be on our way to the capitol!" Sienna couldn't wrap her head around Neves's happiness but still followed her out to the sleek silver train. Upon entering she was enamored with the deep blue luxuries that filled the cabin. Taking a comfy seat, Sienna began to ponder the seriousness of her situation, she was going into the 69th Hunger Games. 

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