Chapter 6

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I wake up at around 8:30am and start getting ready right away, since today is Saturday I can be out all day. Usually, on Saturdays, I go to the coffee shop and then the library but today I had a little extra money so I went to the bookstore to buy myself a book. I'm so excited I haven't gotten a new book in months so this is exciting. I don't even know what book I should get, but since I can be out all day I guess I can just browse the shelves until I find something that seems good enough to buy. That shouldn't be too hard, but usually by the end, my basket is filled with books so the hard part will be picking just one book.

I get to the coffee shop at around 9:15am, I get my coffee to go then I walk to the bookstore. I walk right into the book store and go straight to the romance section. Romance books are literally like the only books I read, I love them so much. Obviously I start picking up books, reading the back, then putting them into my basket. I'm reading the back of a book when I hear 2 people talking in the section right next to the one I'm in, and because I'm like really nosy I peak over to see who it is. My jaw literally drops when I see Adrian with some skank from school. He has her "pinned" up against the bookshelf while he's whispering in her ear. Oh my god I'm actually gonna vomit, thats honestly so funny. 

I turn my attention back to the book I was looking at and I finish reading the description, it sounded good so I obviously went to put it in my basket. But when I went to put it in the basket, I dropped it, like a fucking idiot. It was a hardcover book so it made a loud ass noise and I notice Adrian and his little skank look over at me. I awkwardly smile and walk away, that was literally so embarrassing. Anyway I walk over to the chairs and tables that they have set up and I set my 50 pound basket on it. I start going through the books and putting them into piles, the piles are, "definitely not getting this", "maybe getting it", and "final round". Thats where the final books go that I have to pick through. 

After about 30-40 minutes of going through and reading all the descriptions again I finally have 2 books to pick through. So obviously I do the most logical thing I can do, I drop the books on the ground, pick them up with my eyes closed and whichever one I chose is the book I'm gonna get. That seemed to work and I finally picked a book, but I did get some really weird looks from people but I don't really care. Now I have to go and put all of the books back which will probably take another 30-ish minutes. I start putting books back and I see Adrian still with the skank but I just pretend to not really notice or care about them. I finally get done putting all of the books back and I start walking to check out, I take one more look at Adrian and the skank and they are making out, fucking gross doing that in a bookstore, there are little kids around here, assholes. 

The guy working the counter looks like a guy around my age 18 or 19. I walk up to him and he rings me up, I give him my cash and he goes to hand my my book. Just as I'm about to grab it he pulls it away and says, "I'll give it to you if you give me your number." I'm actually throwing up, does he think he's being cute and flirty? Gross. So I lie and say, "I don't have a phone." And right on cue my phone starts ringing. I roll my eyes and go to answer it when I see its my dad calling me, my heart starts racing and I pick up the phone. "Hello?" "Are you out somewhere?" he asks in a mad tone, "Yeah I'm at the book store." I respond in a low voice thinking he'll be mad at me, instead he says, "Pick me up some more liquor." Then he hangs up. 

Are you fucking kidding me, I literally just spent my last $20 on a book. I say to the worker, "I actually need to return that book." He then points to a sign and says, "We don't take returns-" then he motions for me to come closer and he continues, "-But I'll make an exception for you if give me a blowy in the bathroom." He says smirking, God, what a fucking perv. I reach and rip my book out of his hand then I rush back to where Adrian was. Not even thinking I go up to him and grab his hand to pull him away. "Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck are you doing?" He says in a mad voice. "Can I please borrow some money?" I ask him. "You pulled me away from my hot date to ask for fucking money?" He says even more angry than before. 

"You mean your little skank? And yes I did, I really need like $25. I'll pay you back when I can, I swear." He sighs and reaches for his wallet but like the fucking idiot I am, I flinch. I thought 'of course since he's mad he's obviously gonna hit me', I'm such a dumb ass. I know he saw me flinch but he didn't care, all he cared about was getting back to the skank, he hands me a 50 and says, "Keep the change and don't fucking talk to me in school or when you see me out with a girl. Do you understand?" I nervously shake me head and hurriedly walk away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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