A New Found Family

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"A-Xu, do you think anybody is looking for them? If not, can we keep them. They can always be your disciples. "

Kexing said with a smile.

"Lao-Wen, we must first find who they are and where they came from before we can make such decisions."

Zishu told Wen Kexing.

Not long after, Ye Biayi walked in.

" I heard you found two young boys, or did you steal them."

At that, he looked at Kexing, who felt very offended at his words.

"I do not steal children your old monster. A-Xu, I'm going to go check on the boys."

Loa Wen told Ah-Xu before he walked away.

"When you are done bring something to eat with."

Ye Biayi told him, to which he replied.

"You can go fetch it yourself. I'm not your servant."

Zishu just shakes his head and smile, these two, there's not a day that they don't fight, then he take another sip of his alcohol.

"So where did you find these two young boys."

Ye Biayi asked as soon as they were alone.

"We found them just a kilometer away from the valley of Qingya unconscious."

Ah-Xu told him as he looked at him.

"Do you know how they got there."

Master Ye asked curiously.

" No, we don't. That's why we are waiting for them to wake up."

Ah-Xu answered.

"So you found them unconscious. If they're from the cultivation world, then something must have happened for them to run away."

Ye Biayi said.

"Maybe we won't know until they wake up."

Ah-Xu told him seriously. Just then, Wen Kexing walked into the room.

"So apologize, you old man, for  assuming I stole them."

Kexing said the moment he walked back into the room.

"I won't."

Ye Biayi said.

"A-Xu now you can see why I don't like this old goat. And by the way, what are you doing here it's not like one of us invited you."

Wen Kexing said as he sat down next to Ah-Xu and took the offered cup of wine.

"I just decided to drop in. Why can't I?".

He asked Wen Kexing.

"Did it ever occur to you that you're not welcome here?".

Wen Kexing asked him with a raised brow.

"You two stop it. You're giving me a headache. you're worse than two year olds."

Zishu said. He stood up and walked away just to get away from those two who were still at each other's throats.

He decided to go check on the two boys. When he opened the door, he found them both awake and sitting on the bed,holding each other's hand and looking scared. When the door opened, both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying looked at the man walking in. He doesn't look scary, but they don't know him, and so they don't trust him for the moment.

They may have their younger bodies, but their brains are their older self and memories. But this man probably safe them, so there's no need to be rude or scared right. They both got off the bed but never let go of each other's hand. They look wearily at Zishu. But he just look at them with a smile, knowing that the two are probably scared, and then to wake up in a strange place sure doesn't help. Just then, Kexing and Biayi walked in.

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