Arlenna awoke to kisses.
She opened her eyes with a smile to find Aemond.
“Hello.” She said, her face alight. It was a look he wished he could see on her forever.
“Happy nameday, my love.” He said, brushing a dark curl from her face.
Arlenna bit down on her bottom lip. “I think I'm starting to like my nameday after all. Is this my present?”
There was nothing separating the two of them. Arlenna had never put her nightgown back on after the night before.
And Aemond took full advantage of that, moving one finger slowly up her inner thigh.
She arched into him, her lips already back on his.
Her breathing was ragged as he slowly neared–
There was a knock at the door.
Aemond pulled away from her lips, leaving her panting for breath.
“Go away.” He commanded.
There was no answer, and so they resumed their previous activities.
That was, of course, until the door opened. And Aegon entered.
Aemond rolled off his wife with a groan of annoyance while Arlenna yelped and pulled the covers over herself.
“It's not like I haven't seen you both without your clothes on before.” Aegon remarked as the door closed behind him.
Arlenna looked over at Aemond with a silent question but he just dumbly shook his head.
“What do you want, Aegon?” Aemond asked, irritated by the ill timed intrusion.
“I'm delivering my present to your wife.”
“You don't have anything.”
Aegon grinned before tossing two sets of ragged clothes onto the end of the bed.
Arlenna blinked at him. “You shouldn't have.”
Aemond picked one of the tattered brown cloaks up and sent his older brother a look of confusion – as if internally debating whether Aegon had finally lost his mind. “I don't think these go with the rest of her wardrobe, brother. Mayhaps try giving them to one of the urchins on the street of silk.”
Aegon rolled his eyes. “Both of you just put the clothes on. We're going on a trip.”
Arlenna pursed her lips, still holding the bedsheets to her chest. “A little privacy, your grace?”
Aegon sighed impatiently, turning around.
“Out, brother!” Aemond yelled.
With an annoyed huff, the King left and the door clicked shut behind him.
Aemond and Arlenna both stared at each other before a small grin began to form on her face.
She grabbed the set of clothes that Aegon had tossed at her.
Aemond fell back into his pillow, groaning. He'd wanted at least an hour alone with his wife before Aegon began... Doing whatever Aegon was doing.
Arlenna leaned over him, kissing him gently. “Come on. We will finish this later, I promise.”
Then she was pulling away, pulling moth-eaten cast-offs over her head.
When she was dressed, Aemond had to stop himself from laughing.
She looked ridiculous.
Even in the rags, she looked like a noblewoman. She carried herself with a grace and confidence that wasn't easily replicated or discarded.
His wife, the woman who spent hours each day contemplating clothes and the significance of each colour or gemstone or piece of embroidery, had never looked less comfortable.
Pulling his own tunic and trousers on, her missed the top of her head before fastening the cloak around her shoulders and pulling the hood up.
She pouted, glowering up at him from beneath the hood's edge.
“You look like one of the little creatures that the small folk always leave bread for.”
“Shut up. You look...” She paused, trying to think of a fitting insult. “You always look good and it's not fair!”
Aemond laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the door.
As they opened it, Aegon turned to face him.
The moment he saw Arlenna, he started laughing too.
“You're both horrible!”
“Yes, yes, we know. Now, hurry up.” Aegon said.
“Where are we going?”
“It's a surprise.”
“Is it dangerous?”
“It's a suprise.”
“Are we allowed–”
“It's a surprise.”
“It's a surprise.”
Arlenna huffed, folding her arms over her chest like a petulant child.
Nevertheless, she and Aemond both followed their King.
“We could turn back, you know.” Aemond whispered as she held onto him. “Whatever be has planned will probably end badly.”
“I'm just saying, returning to our chambers is probably more exciting.”
“You two can fuck whenever you want.” Aegon said from in front of them, turning with a lit torch in his hand. Both Aemond and Arlenna had to duck out of the way so that he didn't hit them with it. “Arlenna told me what she wanted and, as King, I have to keep my people happy.”
Aemond looked between them. “What did you tell him you wanted?”
“This way!” Aegon commanded, sauntering off ahead of them.
Aemond looked back at Arlenna, looking more than a little wary of the situation they were in. “What did you tell him you wanted?”
”I don't know.” She replied, a little flabbergasted.
Love and War - Aemond/Aegon Targaryen
FanfictionBOOK 2 "And the arms of the ocean are carrying me And all this devotion was rushing out of me And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me But the arms of the ocean delivered me"